Heavenly Glow (PT 1)

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I made a weird soulmate AU! When you make eye contact with your soulmate for the first time a blinding Halo like glow appears around their body. After,  a ring appears on your finger, the same with them. It's kind of odd to explain.


Also I'm gonna make John's father not physically abusive. But, I'm gonna make him ruin John's life in the little ways, emotionally. John's mindset is a little different because of this, which I hope helps the story a little bit. Enjoy!


John was extremely lonely for the captain of the Rugby team. His teammates looked up to him, and he appreciates that, but people weren't really his thing.

He was taught ever since he was young that people weren't worth his time, because all they'll do is break you. This is the life lesson he gets from an alcoholic father.

Countless nights of his father sobbing on the kitchen counter, blubbering about how lonely he is. John would listen and nod his head, taking pity on his poor father. His mother left along with his older sister Harry when he was five.

He still is in contact with his sister, calling her on the bus in the morning. John didn't want his father to know, so he tried to hide the best he could, and succeeded.

John thought of the burn mark on his father's hand from a broken heart.

"We were soulmates!"His father wailed, "Why did she leave us!"

John looked down at his feet as he walked, thinking of the memories. The nights. John was on his own, he could barely call his father a parent anymore.


Sherlock never understood the science of soulmates. He wanted to experiment, but he didn't have one yet.

Molly smiled as Sherlock squinted as and played with her new soulmate ring. It was a bright gold, as if it was newly polished.

"And what was his name?"Sherlock asked in his posh British voice.

"Jim. He's a nice boy, actually."Molly replied. (Please don't kill me)

"I know. You've said that every time I've asked."Sherlock said, tugging on the ring.

"Quit it! That's hurts!"Molly yelped, pulling away her hand, "It doesn't come off, Sherlock!!"

"Interesting..."Sherlock muttered, taking notes.

He snatched back her hand and she rolled her eyes.

"Can you adjust it?"Sherlock asked, poking the ring with his mechanical pencil.

"Yeah, it can move around the finger, just can't adjust towards the knuckle or the fingernail."Molly answered, gazing as Sherlock's neatly written notes, "Do you ever think you'll meet your soulmate, Sherl?"

"That's a tough question to answer. Probably, though."Sherlock replied, chewing on his eraser.

"Don't lose hope! You'll find him somewhere!"Molly exclaimed, eating her sandwich.

"Why do you say 'him'?"Sherlock questioned.

"Sorry, Sherlock, but your the gayest man I've ever met."Molly answered, chuckling.

"Yes I know, I like to show it."Sherlock chuckled in unison.

"What are you doing now?"Greg grumbled, tossing his lunch tray on to the table. Sherlock shielded his notebook from the splatter of food.

"Simply writing down observations on Molly's soulmate ring."Sherlock answered, "Awful shiny, isn't it?"

Greg gazed at his silver and black band, smiling.

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