My Parents Should Be Proud

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Now a days; there are teenage pregnancy, drug addiction, alcohol, and smoking.

One thing I could say is that... MY PARENTS SHOULD BE PROUD OF ME!!

Yes, because I'm not like some teenagers who drinks, take drugs, smoke, or hooks up with some random person.

I don't take drugs, smoke or drink because I'd rather spend the money for those for MY ANIME COLLECTION >< I collect anime merchandise. Sure Anime stuff are more expensive than those but still... o3o

I'm also not into teenage pregnancy because meh... I'd rather watch anime, read manga or play games.

Also, I'd NEVER EVER EVER EVER commit suicide because I still have fanfictions to read, new episodes to watch every week, games to play, manga updates, anime merchandise to collect.

Also anime became my inspiration to study hard, I know some teens in my age, their inspiration are their crushes and such but me, my inspiration is my 10000000000000000 husbands and 20000000000 boyfriends... in the anime world XD but still. And because of anime I became a better and more expressive person so yeah.

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