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Dear Diary,
        I have just gotten back from the honeymoon and I am exhausted. Mentally and physically.

I feel sick. I wish father didn't make me marry this horrible life. Gustav is a kind man, don't get me wrong, but I don't love him. He takes care of me, yes. He's everything a lady can want but I am not ready for love yet. Not close.

But I guess I have no choice. I have to, now. He is now my husband, and I his wife. I promise to myself to never let my future children go through the things I had.

Sincerely yours,

Ok, so I have been reading Eli's diary for the whole week since I have no other plans. I never go out of the hotel room unless I run out of food, which only happened once.

Now I am in the car, just finished the last diary of Eli, and waiting for Brad to call omce he arrives.

Today is his flight and I am picking him up from the airport.

*knock knock*

"Brad!" I exclaimed, shocked to see him beside the car.

"Called you a bunch of times but you didn't seem to notice your phone he chuckled as he saw the journal that I'm holding.

"I missed you." I saw before pulling him for a kiss.

"I missed you too. Now scoot over cause I'm driving." He said making me laugh as I moved to the passenger seat.

"How was Philippines while I was gone?" He asked as he drove off.

"To be honest, I wouldn't really know. I haven't been out." I said making him laugh.

"Not surprised." He stated making me roll my eyes.

"Eli's story in all has just so many adventures in it. He must still be alive by now as she would still be 55." I said with joy and hope.

"Where was she from?" He asked.

"England." I said and he nodded.

"Easier, but still hard. England is a huge place. She could be anyone." He said.

"I know, I just wish that I could talk to her. I've been so attached to her life story that I feel connection, somehow." I said and mumbled the last part.

"Well, before we dive into that, why don't we enjoy our week?" He asked as we pulled up.

"Dive into.. Are you sure?" I asked him excitedly making him chuckle and peck my lips.

"Yessssss, now, date at the Oceanarium?" He asked and I nodded.

"Wouldn't want anything else." I said before he drove off again.

After about 2 hours of traffic, we finally pulled up to a parking space and behind was a building with a huge 'Oceanarium' plastered the top.

"Let's go?" He asked as he opened my door.

"Let's go."

Once we got it, we went to different destinations, including sharks, jellyfish, small fishes and etc.

After that, we got out of the building just to see another one. It says here that it had just opened last month and it's a glow in the dark themed park. Wow.

How cool is that?

Brad and I looked at each other with the same looks and agreed to go in without even talking.

After getting our tickets, we went to the guard and he gave us these wristband things that looked so cool.

When we got in, it was lit up with glow lights.

"Come here." Brad said as he pulled me to a stall.

"Would you like some glow-in-the dark light ups?" A guy asked and Brad looked at everything that was hung up.

"One of that, and this too. " he said as he picked up a mustache glow.

After paying for it, he put the glow-up crown on me and wore the glow-up mustache.

"Do I look cool now? Cause I've been told that I wasn't. " he said while posing making me die of laughter.

"Okay, okay. Who told you, you aren't?" I asked and he rubbed his glow-up mustache.

"Tristan, because you said he was your favorite and so he assumed that he was cooler than me." He said making me laugh harder.

"You are cool though." I said making him smile triumphantly.

"Cooler than Tristan?" He asked and I looked at him fake shocked.

"Tsk tsk, know your limits, Mr." I said making him laugh now.

"Photobooth!" Brad squealed as he pulled me to a photobooth and we took silly photos.

2 sets.

Both silly ones.. but the second one, it had caught us kissing at the end.

We'll just have to leave that part out when posting.

Not yet. Soon. I promise.


Few more chapters left and we're about to end.. ughhh, I'm gonna miss writing this fanfic😭


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