In My Room-0

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"After this song end, so it is end for us too?"

That was the words that Sungjae asked Joy so many times on their last filming. He chanted it like a mantra. He couldn't believe that their last day as Bbyu couple really in front of his eyes. He couldn't let her go. Like what Joy always said to him, where he could find a girl like her? She was right. I couldn't find a girl like her anywhere. It was Joy after all this time and no one else.

Saw her crying really broke his heart into million pieces. As he saw a drop of her tears on her cheeks, he made a promise that he would protect her no matter what. It means that he would always around her and never left her although the contract between him and Joy for WGM already ended.

After the filming end and all camera shut, Sungjae approached Joy privately. He did believe that they need time alone with no one watching. All crew understood and left them alone.

Sungjae thought after they were no longer on the stage after they no longer had an obligation as virtual husband and wife, Joy would be calm and back to charismatic Red Velvet Joy with all those professionalism, yet no. All he saw in front of his eyes was vulnerable Park Sooyoung, bent her head low, crying even harder.

One thing that he realized, Sooyoung did all with her heart. She poured her feeling on each moment she shared with him. She didn't fake it. She was sincere and so was her feeling. This was the real Park Sooyoung that he faced. How about him? He too did the same. Maybe at first, he accepted WGM contract for the sake of BTOB but after knew her, he unconsciously brought his heart as well. Until he realized that Sooyoung was different. Sooyoung was the one who could match him. Moreover, Sooyoung was the girl that he was looking for and he never had the intention to leave her like that. He would keep her for himself no matter what.

Sungjae reached Joy. He brushed away her tears and pulled her into his embrace. Joy hugged Sungjae as if this was her last chance to hug him like this. He stroked her back and massaged her nape.

"Uljima, Sooyoung-ah." he said. But he also died inside.

"Geuman, Oppa. It's not like I can't see your misty eyes," said Joy between her sob.

She was right. Sungjae was holding his tears so hard. Well, now he didn't have to hide his feeling. There was no camera anymore. He was free to express how broken he was. And so, he let his tears wet his cheeks for the first on that day.

"Sooyoung-ah... I really can't let you go." He unconsciously said what was on his mind.

"Ne?" Sooyoung release Sungjae's hug. She looked at him with her puffy eyes.

Sungjae sighed. There was no use to hide his feeling anymore.

"Sooyoung-ah..." He grabbed her hand.

"Hmm?" Sooyoung automatically took care of Sungjae by brushing away his tears.

"I don't want to end this."

Sooyoung stunned.

"I want to be with you. Let's be together from now on."

Sungjae swore that the woman in front of her was an angel that God sent for him.

Sooyoung smiled so brightly despite her bloated face and puffy eyes. It was too blinded.

"Ne. Let's be together, Oppa." Sooyoung held Sungjae's cheeks with both hands.

Yes, Sungjae didn't have to worry about this. Some said that an ending was a new beginning, right? So was their relationship. Maybe WGM was already ended, yet a new chapter of their life has begun.

Park Sooyoung. He chanted her name in his heart.

Maybe because of the moment or maybe Park Sooyoung was too beautiful especially today or maybe Sungjae was too happy or maybe for whatever reason, Sungjae leaned on Joy and captured her lips. That was so sudden. That was so sweet. And yes, that was their first kiss.

And so... their life as a real couple has begun.

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