Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Completely

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

"I only want my son to be happy

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"I only want my son to be happy... and safe"

Lying wrapped up in her duvet covers, the anxieties of the world outside the room were nothing but shadows. But they weren't shadows, they were very much real. As Lottie walked down the street, she thought back to that morning with Michael, their bodies keeping each other warm. "You're the beginning of a brand new story in my life," Lottie had whispered with an overflowing heart.

Michael stared adoringly at her, his grey eyes warm and soft. He kissed her on the lips and instantly, she responded, kissing him back. Slightly out of breath, their lips parted and their foreheads rested against one another's. Lottie closed her eyes and she knew that if she could, she would live in this moment forever.

With a caressing hand, Michael stroked her cheek with his thumb. He couldn't take his eyes off her. She was perfect to him in every way; she made him feel invincible. She believed in him like no one had before - she saw him for who he truly was. Not a child as Polly or his mother did, but as a man... A man who loved her.

"Lottie," he murmured.

She opened her blue eyes to look at him, a beautiful smile appearing on her lips.

"I love you, completely," he promised to her.

Her heart never felt so light. So free. "I love you, too, Mickey. Completely."

Lottie smiled at the memory, it instantly filling her with warmth and love. She was on her way to the stables to check on her beautiful horse as a car pulled up beside. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw it was Tommy who was inside. She smiled at him. "Fancy a look at my horse?" She asked simply.

Tommy stopped the car. "Alright," he nodded.

He climbed out he car and walked beside her. They for silent for a while until Lottie said, "Michael's out of prison."

He nodded.

Lottie's troubled eyes then looked to him. "Any news about Arthur?" His silence answered her question. Bowing her head, she smiled. "Reminds me of us talking about Freddie. When we were trying to figure out how to get him out of jail. To save him from... Well."

Tommy turned to her. "I remember."

"I miss him, you know, Tommy. I miss him truly." Her blue eyes were bright. "But we saved him. When he needed us, we saved him. And we'll save Arthur, too." Lottie took Tommy's hand in her own as she stood in front of him, their eyes boring into one another's. "We've got ourselves into some bad business. I know that Campbell's involved, so be careful, Tommy. And just know, if there's anything I can do to help, tell me. You know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

"I know, Lottie," said Tommy. He didn't know if these words comforted him or scared him. "I know what I have to do and it's starting with six cans of petrol. But tonight I'm to go to London."

Lottie frowned. "London? Why?"

"To see an old friend," he replied cryptically.

"Why doesn't that put me at ease," she murmured sarcastically. She sighed. "I need to see to Polly. Talk things through. Is it bad that I'm scared?"

"You'd be a fool not to be scared of Polly, and you're no fool." Tommy lifted Lottie's hand to his lips. Softly, he kissed the back of hers before saying, "I'll check on your horse, you go to Pol's."

"Alright," she agreed. "First, though, tell me your plan."

Tommy smiled with a sigh. "Alright, Lottie."


    Lottie sat on the sofa, her fingers twisting together as Polly lot her cigarette. The two women stared at each other in silence. Lottie took out a cigarette of her own and Polly leant forward from the chair across, offering her a light. Once lit, silent enveloped them again.

    Puffing out smoke, Lottie huffed nervously and rushed, "I don't know what you want me to say."

    "Then why did you come?"

    She shrugged. "I don't know. I just knew I had to come see you after... after everything."

    Polly only responded with a puff of smoke.

    "I know you want Michael to leave."

    "Here we go," she snapped.

    Lottie rolled her eyes. "Let me speak. I know you want Michael to go, and I wanted to tell you that I won't intervene. But it is Michael's decision. Not yours."

    "I'm his mother."

    "And it's his choice!" Lottie exclaimed. She took a steadying breath and put out her cigarette. "You need to know something. I... I love him."

    Polly put down her cigarette too and looked away. "That's what I feared," she murmured.

    "I love him and he loves me," she said helplessly.

    "I only want him to be happy and safe," said Polly in a surprisingly calm voice.

    "That's that what I want too. I know you don't want Michael to be with me, but I love your son." She paused and bit her lip, her heart thudding in her chest. "If Michael stays... Will you tell him?"

    "Tell him what?" Polly replied dumbly.

    Lottie didn't look away, didn't blink. "You know what."

    Polly thought. Every second that ticked on the clock felt like an eternity. Lottie was sure her heart would combust, that her nerves would give way. "No," Polly said finally. "I won't tell him. I want my son to be happy and if it's you who makes him happy then I won't stand in the way." She sighed. "It's nothing personal, Lottie, you've always been a daughter to me and I love you as one, it's only-"

    "-It's only you know me and what I've done and, well, everything. But the last thing I want is for him to get hurt... I love him."

    Polly smiled and nodded. Standing up she walked round to sit beside her and wrapped her arms around her. When they broke apart, Polly said in a low voice, "Sorry for slapping you."

    Lottie smiled and shook her head. "You're lucky I didn't slap you back."

hello! long time no see! hope everyone's staying safe and are healthy!
season 6 has started filming and i'm so excited eeee and steven knight has confirmed that after season 6 he'll conclude with a film. even though the idea of this story ending is horrible, i think it's good to end well rather than drag things on which many series do
but anyways - i hope you enjoyed this chapter - this is more of a chapter about the characters, the reconciliations and such
do let me know your thoughts so please comment, vote and follow :)))
hope you have a lovely day :)


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