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The storm hit before we expected it too, soaking our clothes and drilling relentlessly onto our backs, and making the little group pull each of our cloaks tighter around us as we made their way back, Nina and Jackson in front, Kauna in the middle, pulling me along and talking excitedly the whole way. As the trees thinned, i grew more worried, and continued glancing back, before stopping entirely once the village came into view. Noticing the my pause, Kauna stopped talking, making Jackson and Nina turn around.
"what are you waiting for, let's go!" said Nina, trying to get going again, but I didn't move, staring out at the eastern side, and the large fence surrounding it.
"what's over there?" I asked cautiously, and Kauna stared at me, gobsmacked, even Nina looked surprised.
"you don't know?" said Jackson curiously and i shook my head, still staring into the distance.
"Odin's hellhole. Everyone knows that." Kauna said matter-of-factly, but my brows furrowed, still not understanding.
"Odin's what now?" i repeated and Kauna beamed, Odin's hellhole was one of her favorite mysteries, the one that Jackson flat-out refused to let her explore further.
"a thousand years ago, when the northern valley and southern valley was at war, it was one of the worst parts, and many people had died, so Odin got mad and came down to finish it, he took part of the northern and the southern valleys and destroyed it, and no one can fix it, they hardly let anyone in, it's constantly guarded, no one even knows what's in there, although sometimes you can hear weird crackling noises, and only ten people in the village have ever seen it." she explained and Nina snorted
"it's like a huge deal, how haven't you heard about it?" she said and I shrugged, finally breaking my stare to glare at Nina. Why was she here at all?
"well maybe it's not as big of a deal as you think then." I shot back and Jackson, unaware of the tension, tried to get us started again.
"well, anyway, we're up north, just past that village square." he pointed and I nodded as Nina set of, clearly hoping to get out of her dirty clothes, and Jackson following. Rucksack slung over his shoulder. I sighed again and looked back at Kauna, who was waiting expectantly.
"okay, lead the way." she set off after her older brother
"are we going?" I asked, trying not to look back at the first behind me, the one I hadn't left in years. Why did I even come?
"well, Jackson borrowed us tents from his friend from work, so we have to return them and then we'll go back home. Then they both have work again, but I don't have too go to school for another week." Kauna told me and I nodded.
"you have a school?" I asked and Kauna nodded, her nose scrunching up.
"yeah, but it's stupid. We don't even learn real things, just how to curtsey, and which spoons to mix tea with, and you have to wear all these different dresses for different days." I nod, smiling.
"you don't look like one too wear dresses"
"yea, well Jackson never wore dresses, so why should I?"
I laughed out loud, making Nina and Jackson turn back again.

"she seems nice" Jackson said to his fiancee, but Nina still didn't look convinced.
"no, something about her I don't trust, for one, why was she in the forest anyway? Completely alone? Jackson just take her home and let's get on with life." Jackson shrugged noncommittedly, and looked back at the girl. She had her hand covering her mouth to hide her laugh, and Kauna was giggling, saying something, and Taylor looked to him, catching his eye before Jackson turned back to Nina.
"I haven't seen Kauna this happy in a long time. She likes Taylor." he told her and Nina groaned.
"so? Kauna likes you as well, besides, so if Kauna likes her, she can go visit her, why does she have to come with us?" she pointed out and Jackson sighed.
"yeah maybe." he still didn't sound convinced but walked back to talk to Taylor.

"hey, we're going to get a carraige back, we can drop you off if you want." Jackson said to me, and my smile dropped immediately. He doesn't even know you, he just asked you to come to the village with him, he's being a gentleman.
"oh, yeah okay." I said. Well, an hour was better than nothing.
"so where do you live?" he said, pulling coins out of his pocket and my mind went blank.
Shoot where do I live??
"um, I'm not actually from here-"
I began but Nina interupted
"so we went out of our way to bring you with us and you just came along for the ride?" she scoffed and Jackson stared at her, shocked.
"Nina! What are you doing?"
"no it's fine, I'll just head back." I forced a smile on my face, but Jackson was too appalled by Nina's behavior to realise it was fake. Clearly he did not know this side of her. However, Kauna noticed and grabbed my hand
"no, but the nearest village is eight days away walking!" she cried and pulled me towards her brother.
"she can stay with us!" Kauna said looking up at Jackson with hopeful eyes. He smiled at his sister before lifting his gaze back to me. I wanted to move away but Kauna had a tight hold on my wrist so I just met his eyes again.
"it's fine, really, I should get back anyway." I said, unsuccessfully pulling out of the younger girls grip.
"back where?" Nina said and I shrugged.
"you know..." I gestured vaguely behind me and Jackson looked curious, but now Nina looked appalled.
"oh my gods, you live in the forest, don't you! Jackson, she doesn't even have a home!" Nina looked slightly scared of me now and I couldn't help but smirk.
"well then, you should stay with us." Kauna stared firmly and Jackson nodded.
"really, we can help you find a job, and you can get a house for yourself, there's some smaller cottages in the south I know they just built, I'm sure one of them would-"
"Jackson! You're not serious." Nina cried and Jackson shook his head,
"Nina, what has gotten into you?" he said quietly, but I could hear perfectly well.
"she might be an exile barbarian!" Nina hissed, looking terrified.
"I'm not. And they aren't barbarians, they're still people, they just don't act like you do." I knew of who she was talking about. When people were banished, they slowly resorted to crude methods of living, like eating raw meat and wearing animal skins, never washing and losing the ability to speak.
"Taylor, stay with us." Jackson said and I bit my lip. Kauna nodded and I shrugged.
"alright, why not." I told him and he smiled slightly, studying my face before dropping his eyes back to Kauna.
"come on we can get a carraige, then we'll be home." he says and Kauna finally let go of me, and joined her brother. Nina also walked up and grabbed his hand, and Jackson laced their fingers together and walked towards the cobblestone road. My breath hitched and I looked up to the sky.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?

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