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The carriage ride was shorter than I expected, and we were outside a large cottage sooner than I thought. Nina has been dropped off on the main street, needing to get back to her work as a seamstress.
"so, where do you work?" I asked Jackson, as he held out his hand to help me from the carraige. I ignored it, and jumped down myself.
"at the forge, I'm a blacksmith, bit I can also forge gold and silver. It just doesn't come in very often." he dropped his hand to his side and went to enter the cottage.
"what about you?" he called back and I shrugged.
"I don't exactly have a job but my father was a saddler and my mother was a dressmaker, so I know how to do a bit of both. I know a bit about herbs and we'll do I guess I could be an apothecary worker, or a healer." I walked inside and tried to hide my shock. It was big, the furniture was hand carved skillfully out of a rich mahogany, with gilding and there were some tapestries on the wall, the largest being above a stone fireplace, with a man and woman, a young boy and a baby girl. I moved towards it, studying each fine detail. The woman had golden hair, woven into an elegant up do, a crown of braids around her head. She had blue eyes and a kind smile, and was wearing an emerald green robe, her arm around a small boy in a white tunic with fine gold detailing, and dark leather breeches. He had the womans gold hair and the deep brown eyes of the man above him. The man looked to be about thirty, a strong bone structure, dark brown hair and eyes, wearing a brown tunic, leather belt and a black cloak with silver fastenings. In his arms was a blue eyed, brown haired baby girl wrapped in a pale blue cloth. I felt Jackson walk up beside me and stare up at the tapestry as well.
"is this your family?" I said quietly, and Jackson hummed.
"your mother made this?"
I turned to him.
"she was a weaver, one of the best. She died a few months after she finished. I was seven."
I turned to face Jackson but they were no tears in his eyes, he simply stated up at the woman.
"I'm sorry." I whispered but he shrugged.
"it's in the past." he said and turned away. I looked once more at the family, before turning as well.
"what about your father?"
Jacksons voice echoed out from the kitchen, and I heard clanking as he pulled three mugs from the cupboard.
"he was a royal adviser. His name was Jack, so there's the genius behind my name."
I laugh and follow his voice into the kitchen, where he's pouring an amber liquid into two mugs, and a darker drink into the third.
"so then shouldnt that be your surname?" I asked him as I took the mug he offered me.
"probably, but I got my last name of my mother." he held up his mug towards me and smiled.
"Jackson Weaver. And you?" I clicked my mug against his and took a drink.
"well, Taylor, because like I said, my mother was a dressmaker-"
"a tailor," Jackson grinned and I nodded.
"exactly, and I got my father's last name, Finnickson, from his father Finnick, and my middle name Freyja, from my mother, so-"
"Taylor Freyja Finnickson." Jackson finished for me. His eyes glazed over, but within a splitsecond, he blinked and was normal. I still took note and watched him warily.
"yeah. Anyway, what is this stuff? It's really good." I said, changing the conversation to whatever I was drinking.
"Meade. I thought you might like it. Did you see where Kauna went?" he asked and I shook my head. Jackson wandered back outside to find his sister and I went back to examining the house they lived in. The kitchen was reasonably sized, a large stone slab for a bench, a wood oven, and lanterns hanging off the walls.
"is this for me?" I turned to see Kauna holding up the third mug, and Jackson walked in behind her "yeah, I made you tea, it's going to be cold now though." he scolded and Kauna crinkled her nose, running behind the counter to add sugar from a small ceramic pot that matched their mugs.
"what were you doing?" I asked Kauna and she pulled two blossoms out of the pocket in her tunic.
"I was trying to plant the flowers." she told me and Jackson say on a stool beside me.
"she loves those things. Whenever she finds them she tries to grow them."
"but it never works." Kauna finished for her brother, leaning over the table to examine them. I joined her, and wasnt surprised to see my purple flowers lying there, slightly crushed from her hand. Kauna smiled at me knowingly and I returned it, sitting back up and finishing my drink, just as there was a knock at the door.
"hey, Kauna I got these from work, they don't fit Anne's daughter anymore I figured they should be your size." Nina's voice called out from the foyer.
"were in the kitchen!" Kauna yelled out and Jackson left to greet her. The two walked in a few seconds later, Nina looking much cleaner than she did earlier. She was wearing a maroon dress and darker overcoat, and a matching ribbon in the bun in her hair.
"I see you've changed" I pointed out and her smile faded, seeing me at the counter.
"I see you haven't. You know corsets go under the clothes." she told me and Jackson looked down at me outfit, before going red and hurriedly turning away, realising my undergarments were visible over my shirt. Kauna burst out laughing and Jackson looked embarrassed, still not looking at me. Nina handed Kauna the clothes, folded into neat squares by whoever 'Anne's was. Kauna unfolded them to reveal a long pink, frilled gown, petticoat, bell skirt and over coat. Kauna did not look as excited as Nina.
"well there you go, you needed another dinner dress." Jackson, but he also looked a little confused by all the frills. I crinkled my nose in disgust, but no one else noticed. The other dress was dark green, and much nicer, with elbow length sleeves and a wider open neck.
"thankyou Nina." Kauna said politely and Nina smiled graciously
"you're welcome Kauna." I rolled my eyes, but luckily Nina didn't notice.
"how about you take them upstairs, and we'll show Taylor around." Jackson said and I shook my head
"I'm sure Kauna can, I'll just go with her." I said and Kauna nodded
"alright well we'll be here." Nina said and I turned to follow Kauna put of the room, not wanting to be around Nina and Jackson any longer.
"oh, well of you want too- um, borrow some clothes on I'm sure Nina won't mind you borrowing a dress." Jackson said to me, pointedly avoiding looking at my current outfit.
"no I'm fine thanks." I told him, grinning as his cheeks tinted pink. Kauna led me out of the room, laughing at her brothers antics as Nina hit his shoulder.

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