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Kaunas tour had been quick, bedroom, bedroom, bathroom, washroom, kitchen, dining room, scullery, maids quarters, attic, basement, bedroom, study and workroom. Now I was sitting on Kaunas bed, unpicking the seams of the frills over the shoulders of her new dress, and planning in my head adjustments to make so she would like it more. As soon as we entered her room she begged me to fix it. Kaunas room was the smallest, with a large window full of little diamond panes of glass,with a wooden frame. You could just see the straw thatching of the roof above. A thick wooden cupboard, a fur rug on the floor, a bed in the corner covered in woven blankets and intricate designs in it.
"where did you get your necklace?" Kauna asked me and my fingers flew to the little quartz around my neck out of habit.
"I made it. I've worn it everyday since."
"so then I won't lose it" I finished unpicking one seam and pulling a ruffle off, starting on the next.
"it's pretty" Kauna said, kicking her legs into the wall, making a dull thudding noise.
"thank you."
Just then a call echoed up the stairs.
"dinner! Kauna wash up and put on your new dress!"
I looked at the fabric and the Kauna looked at me.
"maybe wear the green one for now." I said holding up the pink dress and the pile of lacy frills.
"this one's not quite done." she nodded and I stood up, putting the pink frock on the bed and leaving Kauna to get changed. I walked downstairs to the dining room and knocked on the solid oak door, and Nina opened it, letting me in. She was still wearing her maroon dress, a tablecloth in her hand.
"is there anything I can do to help?" I asked, trying to be polite but I knew Nina wouldn't trust me with any fine China.
"oh, that's alright, just wait here." she said. I shrugged and stood still where I was.
"so I wanted to ask you something." she stayed and I looked up at her.
"go ahead" I agreed and the put the cutlery on the table and turned to face me.
"who are you?"
I cocked my head sideways in confusion
"um, Taylor?"
"no. Who are you actually." she had piercing eyes and WAD now staring at me distrustfully.
"what do you mean?" I questioned and she huffed, dropping all politeness.
"you say you're not from here, but you have our accent, you were in the forest about five hours away from town, you clearly don't live there, because you're actually somewhat clean. But I asked in records, there is no Taylor, in any village around here. So you're lying." she declared, just as Jackson opened the door behind me.
Shoot. Jackson heard what Nina said, and of course he would beleive her over a stranger he met two hours earlier.
"I'm not lying. Maybe I'm just not in records."
I replied and Jackson looked confused.
"who are you parents?" he asked me and I bit my lip. Truth or lie, truth or lie?
"Charles Finnickson and Katharine Grey." truth.
"they don't have children. I remember them." interjected Jackson and I dropped my eyes.
"I was born out of wedlock, that brings shame, so they hid me, and once I was old enough, I left." I admitted and Nina snorted, clearly seeing me lower than she did already.
"so you're a homeless, orphaned bastard who's showing everyone her undergarments because she doesn't know any better? We should have left you in the forest." she sneered and I felt myself become consumed by rage and hate towards the girl, and I wanted to conjure an energy blast too blow her to the moon, but Jackson, clearly noticing the tension moved forwards, once again grabbing Nina's hand and bringing my attention to something I hadn't noticed before. Suddenly I stood frozen, unable to bring anything to the front of my mind except the image I was seeing now. It was as if all magic had left me and I just felt exhausted.
"what's that." I said, my voice empty of the hate I felt two seconds ago. Jackson also froze, and glanced down at Nina's hand, her fingers tangled in his, one of them wearing a diamond ring that couldn't mean anything except-
"it's my engagement ring." Nina said, holding tighter to Jacksons hand and tried hard not to attack her, scratch and punch everything I could reach.
"engagement... " I moved the words under my breath before lifting my eyes to meet Jacksons, who had confusion written all over his face, even... Shame? Betrayal? Did he remember anything at all?
"congratulations." I said dejectedly. Jackson didnt move, his hand still in hers, good eyes on me. I didn't look away from him either.
"thanks. Now anyway, we're you planning on staying for dinner? Because I might be able to make an extra serving." Nina said and I shrugged one shoulder indifferently, so she left the room, not before kissing Jackson on the cheek, and making my gut clench.
Kauna came hurtling into the dining room, finally breaking Jacksons stare, and he sat down at the table, smiling at his sister and complimenting her new gown. Nina brushed past me with bowls of food and Jackson stood up again, helping her organize everything. They seemed like a family, all used to each other, and now I was an intruder.
"I'm not hungry actually, I'll just go to bed." I told them and Kauna jumped up, ready to help me but I shook my head.
"room next to Kauna's, right?" I confirmed and Jackson nodded. He opened his mouth to say something, but what, I didn't hear. I left the room quick as possible, escaping everything, especially Jackson, once in the bedroom they had allowed me to sleep in, I sank onto the bed, taking off my cloak and boots, and exhaling slowly.
Of course he got with Nina. Nina was obsessed with him. Are they in love, or was he just giving in to her complaining? I wondered for a brief moment about their proposal, imagining Jackson on one knee in front of her and my stomach turned. I listened to the quiet chink of the cutlery, and the muffled conversations from downstairs, Kaunas excited tone, Nina's shrill one, and Jacksons deep, vibrating laugh. I groaned and covered my face with my hands, trying to block the boy from her thoughts. Or, at nineteen he was a man now. He's engaged. To be married. Drop it Taylor. I scolded myself, and shut my eyes, the setting sun streaming into the room and projecting a dark golden colour behind my eye lids. I pressed the my palms into my eyes, and the gold turned to black, the coolness of my hands making me eventually drift off to sleep.

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