🦊 In a Box-(Part 2)

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I checked Peter and Gene's room, and he wasn't there.

I checked Ace and Tommy's room, and he wasn't there either.

Only one more spot to look at.

I found a cardboard in the backyard and when I opened it, I burst out laughing.


We both wrestled in the lush green grass.

Then, I landed on Eric's chest.

He looked at me closely and sniffed my face with his little black nose.

I giggled and rubbed his head gently.

The Fox laid down on his back and was panting with his tongue sticking out.

We laid there on the grass and watched the sun set below the horizon.

I then found myself snuggling into his chest.

With that, he leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

We were at it for a few seconds before a voice called out:

"OOOH". "The Fox has got a girlfriend"!

Ace and Peter were laughing their butts off until me and the Fox ran back inside and started a pillow fight with the two of them.

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