Chapter Eight: Test Re-take

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Sakura POV

 I left kakashi's house and went to the training grounds waiting for the rest of team 7. I had changed my look. I took out a advanced medic book and started reading. Sasuke was the first to arrive out of the three. He just stood there looking at the sky.

" Good morning Sasuke" I said.

Sasuke looked at and gave out an hn and turned away. I had to decided to let the hundred healing mark show, I had my head band on top of my head.

I now wore this :

I now wore this :

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I had cut my hair as well.

" SAKURA-CHAN" The blonde yelled. " Wow you look so pretty!" " Whats that on your forehead?"

" It's a seal, now stop asking questions" I said, annoyed.

Naruto sat down next to me and started complaining about how late kakashi was.  Sure I was annoyed but I ignored him and instead started thinking about my timeline. Sasuke was going to come home soon, Sarada will be happy to see him. But I might not be there if I can't get out of here. 

" Naruto i'm trying to read so please be quiet" I said.

" OK" Naruto yelled.

I kept reading. 

Sasuke POV

Kakashi is taking so long, Naruto gets more annoying by the second. If it were just me and Sakura again it would be so peaceful. Naruto ran off on to the training grounds, thank god. 

"Sakura why are you reading an advanced Medic book" I asked, there is no way she's on that level.

"Well... the other books were to easy" Sakura said. "anyways I've already read this book, I'm just re-reading it." Sakura replied. She looked up at me with her gorgeous emerald eyes. " why are you so interested Sasuke?"

"Well your just a genin" I said. "Can you actually do medic ninjutsu?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, i can" she said. 

She looked like she was holding back some giggles looking at my surprised face.

Well i won't admit it but she looks beautiful. Her emerald eyes, her amazing physic, her silky short pink hair, that seal looks great on her forehead and her amazing personality. I can't believe i think these things i scolded myself. 

Kakashi finally arrived.

"alright, due to some unexpected.....things, will be retaking this test" Kakashi explained. "Ok...START" 

Naruto lunged at kakashi like an idiot, Sakura jumped into a bush and i went into a tree. Naruto punched and kicked but Kakashi blocked all of them. I looked over at Sakura who seemed to be focusing. I looked back at kakashi and Naruto thinking about my next move. I felt a tap on shoulder. I turned around to see Sakura I glanced at where she was before, how did she get here so fast?

"Sasuke It's about teamwork, me you and Naruto need to work together" Sakura said with an urgent tone in her voice.

"hn, noway i'm working with that dobe sorry sakura" I said.

Sakura stared at me, she closed her eyes and shook her head, then she left with a disappointed look in her eye. What is this feeling? Sakura returned to her hiding spot. While Naruto fell for a trap, Kakashi walked up to Naruto and started  to lecture him. I toke this opportunity to throw shuriken at kakashi. Sakura threw a kunai to cut he rope holding Naruto by his leg. 

Sakura walked into plain sight, with a strange look in her eye. Kakashi turned around to face her. he put his book down. why would he put his book down? They both got into fighting stance. Sakura ran at kakashi with incredible speed. they both started to fight, it was hard to see what they were doing they were too fast. Me and Naruto were shocked at sakura's speed. Sakura suddenly passed kakashi and as she did she cut him on the arm. Then she grabbed Naruto. And jumped into some bushes.

I couldn't tell what they were doing. Then at least 40 of Naruto and Sakura came out of the bushes. They walked up to Kakashi, Sakura's clones then Burst into chakra, how can she make clones out of pure chakra? All of the chakra flew at kakashi, kakashi had to close his eye putting his arms in a protective position. Another kakashi Came behind Naruto and destroyed all of his clones. Then Sakura grabbed the bells.

"I got them Kakashi Sensei!" sakura yelled.

"Good job Sakura" Kakashi said, as calm as usual.

DAMMIT I didn't really do anything, oh whatever. I jumped out of the tree and stared at kakashi.

"since you were an idiot almost the entire time Naruto, you will be tied to a post while Sakura and Sasuke eat there lunch" Kakashi said. "If you feed Naruto you all fail"

As we were eating our lunch Sakura held her chopsticks to Naruto's mouth. 

"What are you doing, If you feed him we all fail" I said, staring at Sakura.

"But we are his teammates we can't just leave him behind" She said, shoving rice Into Naruto's mouth. 

Kakashi appeared In front of them, Sakura's was so calm when this happened. 

" YOU JUST FED NARUTO YOU ALL............................................................................................Pass" kakashi said. " you didn't leave Naruto in the dust, you helped him" "Those who break the rules are scum that true but those who abandon there comrades are worse sum than sum"

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. then we all went home. Naruto asked Sakura If she wanted to get some ramen, she agreed and then she invited me. I came we all ate ramen.

"RAMEN IS THE BEST don't you think Sakura" Naruto asked blushing.

"its very delicious, thank you for inviting me" Sakura agreed. "I'm glad you came Sasuke" Sakura looked at me with her beautiful eyes. 

I looked away I feared i might be turning red. Could she feel this weird feeling too? 

After ramen we all went home Naruto offered to walk her home and she accepted . Why do I get so jealous when she's with Naruto.

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