Chapter 10: Together

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Sakura POV
I woke up and ate breakfast, I said goodbye to my parents and left. All night I was thinking about Sasuke. I could tell we both weren't showing how we really felt around each other. But there was nothing I could do the change that. I got up ate breakfast and left. While I was walking to our meeting spot Bumped into Sasuke. I apologized and we started to walk together. I could feel this weird tension between us, I'm sure he could feel it to. I tried to  start a conversation with him.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, not sure what to say.

"I slept fine. You?" He replied.

That was odd he didn't seem very annoyed.

"I slept horrible. I was up all night studying and training, I barely slept because I was thinking." I answered.

Sasuke looked at me and asked I was feeling ok. I replied with a yes, when we had finally reached our destination.  There was an awkward silence. as usual Naruto and Kakashi weren't here yet. We stared at each and didn't look away, our faces turning red. We came closer to each other till we were touching. I could feel us trembling from nervousness. When Naruto and Kakashi interrupted us.

"HEY SAKURA" Naruto yelled, waving.

Me and Sasuke jumped back and turned away from each other embarrassed. Kakashi looked at us and raised and eyebrow.

"Alright, we have a new mission so go pack quick" Kakashi ordered.

Naruto was already packed, I guess Kakashi had already told him. Me and Sasuke went home and packed. When we got back Kakashi and Naruto were asleep. I walked up to them, I was angry.

"We didn't even leave for ten minutes! WAKE UP!" I shouted whacking them both on the head.

They both woke up rubbing there heads.

"OW, why'd you do that Sakura." Naruto complained.

"Get up we need to go, oh ya. Kakashi what is the mission?" I asked, rubbing the back of my head.

"There's a small village in the Medona (I made that up) that we need to go to" Kakashi replied.

"Why are we going there?" Sasuke questioned.

"There's a bandit there that's terrorizing everyone in the village." Kakashi replied, calmly.

We all remained silent and started walking behind Kakashi.

We have been walking for hours I was exhausted, only because I got 4 hours of sleep. Kakashi let us take a break, finally. Sasuke sat down next to me and started to eat and apple.

"How are you doing Sakura?" Sasuke asked sounding concerned.

What was going on today, why was Sasuke so caring. So surprised I only manged to say,

"Huh?" I said surprised.

"I-I was only wondering because you didn't get a lot of sleep" Sasuke said studering.

He remembered?!?

"Honestly, I'm exhausted" I admitted.

"It doesn't matter how tired you are you eyes are still beautiful" Sasuke said dazing off. "Wha-I mean I didn't mean-I mean well.....anyways lets keep walking" Sasuke said, red as an tomato.

I looked at him I didn't giggle I just stared.

"Thank you" I said breaking silence. "Your eyes are charming as well" I said smiling. We both blushed and stopped talking.

Finally we arrived.

Sasuke POV 

We had finally arrived. We walked to an hotel and got a room. In this room there were two rooms, so we each had to share a room with someone. We got inside and we had to chose our rooms.

"I will draw two names, they will share a room." Kakashi explained. "Here we go" "And the names are Sakura and (you guessed it) Sasuke." "That means me and Naruto will share a room"

"NO FAIR" Naruto complained. 

In each room there was one big bed, I guess we're sharing. Sakura set down her things and flopped onto the bed. I set my stuff down and sat on the bed. We will probably get dinner soon. I looked over at Sakura who looked back at me and smiled.

"I;m so gald me and Ino are friends again" Sakura said.

I remember that I was there but they didn't notice.

"You're the only person that doesn't annoy me." I sated. 

"Really this Uchiha doesn't think i'm annoying, what an honor" Sakura joked.

I fell down laughing, it's been awhile since i've laughed. We both fell alseep next to each other. For once I felt safe, loved and happy. 

I'm so glad we're here together.

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