Secret Longing Chapter 3

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SECRET LONGING~~oceanblue2012


I cant believe that anything like this would ever happen to me. I mean you could ask anyone. My life definately has not been the best one. I grew up in a very abusive house. My dad was always high on speed, and his wife at the time was very abusive. But i would never let her touch my little brother. His name is Bolton. Whenever she would start swinging her hands i taught him to hide under his bead, and not come out until i went and got him. He was 6 when she married my dad. I was 14. I was more of a parent then my dad. My mom was never around. But my step mom died of a drug overdose on my 15 birthday. What a great birthday present right. My dad said that he couldnt take life without her and shot himself right in front of us. Also on my birthday. I covered my little brothers eyes but i couldnt look away from my dad. That was the worst day of my life. The next day i was shipped off to my moms house. She was happy that i was living with her. But she didnt want my little brother. He wasnt hers. His mom died giving birth to him. I wouldnt let him leave though. And she finally let him stay. Bolton was my life. He, in a way, thought of me as his mom. I would die without my little bro.

"Callie, why have you been so out of it today?" Josh asked me. He is one of my friends in my math class.

"I dont really know. Just thinking about my little brother."

"Ahh. Hows he doin?"


"Well thats good!" He said with a smile, and then turned around to continue talking with his friends. The bell was about to ring. During this passing period i always see Kacie passing by. I wonder if she will do anything diferent this time? Well its now or never.


I got up and walked out of the door. I was walking to my class and i saw her like i always do. She looked at me and started walking to me. I froze. What is she doin?! When she got to me i was still shocked. She smirked at me and started talking.

"Um, are you alright?"

"Yea im just shocked?" I said it as a question cause im not sure how to act around her.

"Why are you shocked?"

"Um, because we arent really friends, and ... idk."

"Oh. Yea i just wanted to ask you something. Um, can we like ditch this period?"

"Arent you afraid we could get caught?"

"Nope. Lets just go to the library. My english class went in there today. We could just go in there with them."

"Ok. Sure." She smiled at me and started walking in the way of the library. I couldnt stop myself from looking at her body. She was wearing tight light blue jeans and a black school shirt, and a pink tank top comin out the bottom a little more then the shirt. She turned around all of a sudden and caught me. I blushed so hard and looked away actin like someone was callin my name. She kept lookin at me until i looked at her again.

"So... Like the way i look today?" She asked with a little spin.

"Uhh. Yea?" i blushed again. I felt her hands go on my shoulders and i looked back up. Her face was about 2 inched from mine and she was on her tippy toes. I looked around to see if anyone say us. But i guess that when i was lookin at her hips as she walked she led us behind the school. So there was nobody. I looked back at her and she looked in my eyes.

"Um, I didnt want to go to the library? I needed to see something out here"

"Uhh. Ok. What did you need to see?" After i said that she smashed her lips to mine. I automatically wrapped my arms around and lifted her a little more so i wouldnt have to bend. I walked forward to the wall and pressed her against it. And pressed my body flush with hers. She moaned and that turned me on so much. I started to gently lick her bottom lip askin for entrence but she didnt let me in. I wanted in so bad. I slowly dragged my hands down her waist and to her ass. She moaned and i took my chance to enter her mouth. I massaged her tongue. She moaned and that made me moan. I pulled away from her when my air supply ran out. We were both panting. I set her down and blushed. That was my first ever girl kiss. And i liked it ... alot.


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