Secre Longing Chapter 8

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Secret Longing~~ oceanblue2012


I walked into the restaurant and saw My ex. Connor hates him so much! He was really controlling. He wouldn't let me have guy friends or anything. I couldn't even talk to Connor. He got mad when I said I was with Bolton.

His name is Justin. He was so sweet when we started dating. I wish he could have stayed like that. I'm still frozen when Connor sees why I stopped. I can see him getting more and more mad by the second.

"Come on Connor. Let's go somewhere else." I said taking a glance at Justin. His date came out of the bathroom and joined him. She was a total slut. She just hung on his arm.

"I wanna eat Chinese food!" Bolton said.

I nodded. "We will get it somewhere else. Come on Connor." I said glancing at him. He was glaring at Justin. I looked over at Justin and he was glaring at Connor. I don't want them to start fighting. But I spoke too late.

"I see you like the left overs huh Connor?" Justin said to Connor.

"I dot think you should talk right now Justin. Come on Connor." By now Bolton is off my back and standing at my side holding my hand. I try to turn Connor but he pushing me to the side and I stumble. But Bolton falls and yells out. That snaps Connor out of whatever rage he was seeing and rushes over to Bolton. He picks him up and looks him over.

"You ok bubba? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." Connor said looking up into my eyes. I have him one curt nod. I was pissed. He might look guilty but that is no excuse. I just got out of an abusive relationship. I will not take it anymore. Even if it was on accident. He could have been more gentle at pushing me to the side. But he wasn't.

I grabbed Boltons hand and walked out of the restaurant to Connors car. I turned and got down to Boltons level looking into his eyes.

"Hey bubba. Are you ok? Are you hurt? Cause if you are I'm gunna beat the crap outta Connor." I tell him.

"I'm ok. I just bumped my knee." he said holding up his knee. I look at it and it's red cause he fell on it. I look back up at him.

"Does it hurt?" I ask him.

He shakes his head no. I nod mine and look at the door of the restaurant to see Connor coming out with a bloody hand. I sighed ant walked up to him. I picked up his hand and looked at it. Connor didn't say a word. I wiped the blood off to see if he was hurt. He wasn't. Must be Justins blood.

I sigh. Well this night sucked. "Hey bubba. Are you still hungry?" I asked him.

"Yea I'm really hungry Callie." he tells me. I nod and look up at Connor.

"Are you ok?" I ask him lookin back at his hand. He just nods. "Are you hungry still?" again he just nods. Well I guess he's not talking to me. Fine. Two can play that game. I sigh and put my hand in his pants pocket. Me tenses and I smirk. I grab his keys and unlock the doors. I make sure Bolton is buckled and hop in the drivers seat. Connor gets in the passenger seat. I drive to mcdonalds.

I hop out and grab Boltons hand. I think il play with Connor a little. I smirk. I walk up to him and put my hand in his front pocket and drop the keys. Only I don't remove my hand. He grunts. I smile in victory. I take my hand out and I notice that Bolton is in the door making his way to the play place. I smile at him and start to walk to him. Connor grabs my back pockets to stop me. I gasped. He walked up behind me. Really close.

"What are you doing? I'm mad at you right now." I said to him. He ignored me. He moved my hair off my shoulder and kissed it. I gasped again. He moved me around to face him. He looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." he said looking into my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore. I crashed my lips to his and put my hands around his neck. His hands went around my waist. He pulled me to him. I ran out of air quickly. I pulled back and was panting. He just attacked my throat. I moaned when he found my sweet spot. He smiled against my skin. I pushed him away. If I let him keep going I would regret it. I kept my hand on his chest to keep us apart.

I feel this weird pull towards him. It's really hard to fight it. My hand is burning where it touches his chest. This is ridiculous. How can I feel this way? He is looking at me with a knowing smile. I smile sheepishly back. I turn around and go to find Bolton. But again I was stopped by Connor.

"You felt it huh?" he asked me.

"Yea. But I gotta go find Bolton now. Il see you in there." I said rushing out. But he didn't let me go. I sighed. "Connor. He is in there all by himself. I need to go find him." I said looking in his eyes.

"He is fine. I can see him right now. He's playing with a little boy." damn. Now how am I gonna get away? "Callie. Why are you trying to run away?" he asked me. He looked sad. Damn it. Why can't I do anything right.

"I'm not. I'm just... hungry." I tell him in an attempt to get him to let me go.

"I don't want to let go." he told me. Did I say that out loud? I don't think I did.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked him. He had an amused expression on his face.

"No you didn't. I can just read your face really good I guess." he says with a smile. "So let's go eat!" he turns me around and drapes his arm over my shoulders as we walk into McDonalds.


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