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| Harmony |

It's three in the morning and I get a call from the hospital saying Zachary is missing. How am I supposed to take it? Lightly? NO. MY DAMN BOYFRIEND IS IN A COMA AND HE'S MISSING !! " I yelled at the nurse.

Frustrated I took a seat in the waiting room next to Diamond. I have huge headache and this is even worse. Who would want to hurt Zachary? nobody has beef with him so it doesn't add up. Diamond who was beef with Zachary? I asked. She sat there thinking hard and came up with nothing. Sighing in defeat this was gonna be a longer night than usual. I hate hospitals -_-. No good news I just get bad vibes from here. I thought to myself almost causing a bigger pain in my head. Diamond! Let's go to King's room! " I grabbed her arm and ran down the hall to the elevator.

Walking into the cold hospital room , just as I expected. EMPTY. fuck. I yelled. Looking around I found a note and it had the letter A simply written on it. What could A mean? . this doesn't make any sense! " Let's go to Zachary's room!" I ran out the room. My heart was beating fast as hell. What if he wasn't there? I thought to myself.

Kicking the door open. another empty room. How did they not notice anybody coming in and out of his room? I kicked down the monitor and to the floor it crashed. Sitting on the cold bed it smelled like Zae. On the end of the bed there was another note. It said " H " . What is he trying to say?

The floor started to shake and the ceilings started to fall. " Diamond!" I yelled. We got under the bed , then the shaking stopped. I got from under the bed and looked out the window. The first three floors were going up in flames. My eyes grew wide at the sight. Diamond let's go now " I said backing up. Grabbing her once again I ran out the room. We couldn't take the elevator so we had to take the stairs.

Looking for the door that leads to the stairs wasn't that hard cause people were starting to run in that direction. Pushing Diamond in front of me we ran down the flight of stairs but stopped when the shaking came

back. Gripping onto each others hand we prayed. The shaking didn't stop but a big explosion was right under us. We hugged each other for dear life as the floor under us exploded up into a million pieces. I felt my arms leaving Diamond. " Diamond DON'T LET GO !" I yelled.

The ceilings blew up flying everywhere. Landing on the hard concrete floor I groaned in pain watching the hospital crash to the ground. Looking around I couldn't find Diamond. Forgetting the agony that was in my back I ran around the debris looking for her. About to give up I found her under a piece of the ceiling. Pushing it off I turned her on her back and checked her pulse , she was still breathing thank the Lord. I held onto her hand as I let the pain take over my body ; I yelled as loud as I could. Firefighters started to arrive. " help " I yelled. " I'll be right back,  gonna get you some help, I'm coming right back!" I kissed her cheek and ran towards the trucks. " HELP! , help me please. My friend-- she's unconscious. help me please!" I yelled at them. " Ma'am your bleeding you have to wait till the paramedics come " the man responded. NO! my bestfriend is losing her life ; I grabbed two of the men and lead them towards Diamond. I sat on the ground next to her. My breathing decreased and my head started spinning. " Ughh " I groaned holding my head. " make it stoppppp !!! " I screamed. It was like a high pitch tone that wouldn't stop. I grabbed my hair and started kicking my feet. " MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE !" I cried. I put my head in my legs and let it be. Closing my eyes tightly still gripping my hair I gave up.

" Ma'am open your eyes for me!" a paramedic said to me flashing a flashlight in my face. I wanted to slap that shit out of his hands but didn't have enough strength. Looking around I was in yet another hospital ; trying to talk but was stopped by the oxygen mask around my mouth. Excuse me nurse! I said. She turned around and gave me her undivided attention. Can you check on my friend Dia- before I finished she finished the sentence for me. Diamond? I sure will give me a minute" she said.

I sat there waiting taking in my surroundings until something caught my eye. A man in all black was standing outside the window making hand gestures like an explosion. He pointed at me , and ran his thumb over his neck. Unfazed at his attempt to get me scared I laughed at him and stuck the middle finger. Zachary taught me not to show fear and how to stand up for myself if I was in a position like this. Sure enough I was gonna find out who that man was and make his life a living hell.

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