Chapter one

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Rocky's pov
I sigh as I see Marshall hanging out with Chase. Both like me I'm told but I only like Chase. Marshall snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Rocky can we Uh go to the beach ya know alone?" Marshall asks seeming nervous. I shrug.

"Sure why not." I say. I hope he doesn't want this to be romantic. We hop into our vehicles and go to the beach. We get there and have fun on the sand.

~a few hours later~

Chase's pov
I had followed the two to the beach. Marshall always tries to take MY Rocky away from me. I watch as they play. Suddenly Marshall crashes into Rocky knocking him into the ocean. I look at Marshall who stands dizzily while Rocky was drowning. Marshall had noticed Rocky but was stunned.

I run down and shove Marshall aside. "Move!" I snap and dive in bringing Rocky to the surface. I do chest compressions and he doesn't respond. I do CPR turning a dark red due to me practically kissing him. He coughs finally and pukes up all the water. I rush him to Katies in my police truck.

I saw Marshall whimper and glare at me. I rush into Katies Rocky on my back.

"Oh my!" Katie exclaims. "What happened?" She asks.

"Marshall crashed again and knocked Rocky into the water practically killing him!" I exclaimed enraged at the dally.

"Let me look at him." Katie says and lays Rocky on the exam table. She bathed him and dried him. She gave him water for his sore throat. I wasn't gonna leave his side until he recovered. He was placed on a bed where he slept. I lay with him and I kissed him on the lips.

I wouldn't of done that had I seen the pair of cold icey baby blue eyes glaring holes into my side. "I love you Rocky. I really do. I wish I could say that when your awake you know. I'm just to nervous you'll reject me." Chase says to the asleep Rocky who was smiling.

I felt a tap on my shoulder as Marshall motioned me outside. We went to the back of Katies.

"Why didn't you snap me out of it?" Marshall asks

"I didn't have time. I would've but I would rather save Rocky." I say

"Now care to explain why you kissed him?!" Marshall asks fire in his eyes.

" Rocky." I say stuttering over my words.

"Well stay away! He's mine!" Marshall growls

"Listen Marshall. He's no ones as of right now. He gets to choose who he wants to be with. It's only fair and square." I snap back.

He nods and I gasp. He tilts his head at me as he follows my gaze. I was looking into the window where I saw Zuma say something to Rocky. I go inside and cuddle with Rocky.

Zuma's pov
I go outside into the back of Katies sighing. I look up as Marshall approaches me. I smile a tad at the dally.

"Hey Mawshall." I say sadly.

"Hi Zuma. Why the sad face?" He asks tilting his head.

"Well basically I weally weally like Wocky and I just told Wocky while he slept but Chase saw and he made me leave. I guess he likes Wocky too." I sigh sadly.

"Great all three of us do." Marshall says. I gasp.

"You do too?!" I asked surprised.

"Heh...Yeah." Marshall says shyly while he blushes lightly.

"What awe we gonna do if Wocky finds out all thwee of us like him. He'll be stwessed beyond belief. It'll be hawd fow him to make a decision". I say.

Marshall nods and I head home bored.

Marshall's pov
I sigh as I watch Chase with Rocky. I head home in my fire truck and park it. I lay in my pup house to think. I'm told two other pups like me.

Those pups being Everest which no ones completely sure about and Joey. Joey like me is a Dalmatian with black spots. He's kinda clumsy too and he also is an EMT.

I just wish Rocky could be mine. It's hard to think that after all this dreaming and wishing on shooting stars nothing will ever happen between us. I never have luck.

I'm always super clumsy and make mistakes. I can't even go a minute without tripping over something. I sniffle and wipe my tears as I realize I'm crying. I start to think of when we first met Rocky.


I wag my tail as I see Ryder and Chase arrive back to the lookout. I see another pup with Chase and he was hot. I blush at my thoughts cursing at myself. I stop blushing as they approach.

Chase parks his vehicle and hops down with the other pup. Ryder tells Chase something and heads inside. Chase nods and calls the pups over.

Everyone lines up and we all look at the pup as he looks down shyly.

"Guys meet Rocky." Chase says dreamily.

"I'm Marshall the EMT and Fire pup." I say smiling.

"I'm Skye the aviation pup." Skye yips and backflips.

"Lastly I'm Chase as you know and I'm the police and spy pup." Chase says proudly.

"N Nice to m m meet y you g g g guys." Rocky stutters clearly nervous.

I watch as Chase walks off with Rocky to show him around.


We had been called into the lookout. We all ran into the elevator and I crashed as per usual. Though I ended up on Rocky and I blushed. I got up quickly and stopped blushing.

"Sorry Rocky this isn't unusual. I'm usually super clumsy and can't stay standing even for a minute". I say

"That's okay Marshall right?" He asks. I nod and we get our uniforms on and hop out.

"Paw patrol ready for action Ryder sir!" Chase says stomping his paw authoritatively. I thought I heard Rocky sigh dreamily as he sat next to Chase.

"So this isn't a mission but Rocky would you like to be our recycling/ repair pup?" Ryder asks.

"Yes I'd love that! That sounds so cool!" Rocky says his tail wagging. Ryder motions him forward and he goes to him sitting. Ryder places a collar on him. "Welcome to the team Rocky!" Everyone cheers.

"Yeah! Rocky's staying! Woohoo!" Chase cheers. Everyone looks at him. "I...uh..mean..yay I'm glad Rocky's staying. It's awesome to have another pup to help us." Chase says.

Flashback end

I should've known Chase liked him all along.

A/n: this is part one of my new story. It's a RockyxChase story. Hope you enjoy. Word count:1127 Words

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