Chapter One

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Min Yoongi was sitting in his chair, pushed into a desk close to the test he was currently trying to complete. It was hard, though, the rain beating hard against the window beside him, swallowing him until he was shaking and falling into insanity. The sounds around him felt too loud, too much for him to physically handle mentally. Pencils scratching against papers, sighs and breaths slipping from mouths. His eyes darted, making it seem like he was cheating each time a noise got louder, screeching in his ears. He didn't know how to feel. This never happened before. Hoseok, his boyfriend, had tried to make him see a therapist, but Yoongi couldn't bring himself to do so.

"Sir," he heard, his head darting upward to look for the voice. Yoongi knew there was someone, it was right in front of him. He swallowed, clenching his fist before gritting his teeth. His eyes continued to look around, trying desperately to find the source that held that small, raspy voice. Yoongi's just burned, tears building behind his eyes.

"Who was that?" He said aloud, turning in his chair to scan the room behind him. A few heads in the room moved up, staring at him and going back down. Others had began to whisper, staring at the infamous Min Yoongi, the boy who heard and saw things that weren't there. Many feared him, thought he was crazy. It was the sole reason he'd barely had any friends. No one wanted to be seen with someone so...weird. They often thought he'd try to kill them if they talked to him. Like now, he was shouting at a group of poor college students, all just trying to finish their exams so they can leave and get on with their days.

"Yoongi, sweetheart, please just finish your test," the teacher said, staring at him now from the papers she was previously grading. She was used to this type of behavior from the man, Hoseok having warned her before Yoongi even joined the class. He warned each of Yoongi's teachers as soon as Yoongi allowed him to see his schedule for that semester. She didn't think much of the warning until the first day Yoongi was in her class and had a full, whispered debate with the window next to him. It had confused her, but Yoongi was just this way, you see.

"No!" He shouted, slamming his hand on the table, "No. Someone here is trying to get my attention, but no one is saying anything because they all just want to laugh at me! It's not funny!" The tears were held so tightly by him that it hurt, and they slipped from his eyes, making him smack his forehead, "You can't make me feel pathetic. Stop it, stop it!" He was shaking now, his hand staying against his forehead, his legs curling into his chair.

The students just watched, some amused, others afraid. The teacher had her phone out, calling Hoseok down to the room. It wasn't the first time he needed to do this, leaving his classes or homework behind to come get Yoongi from his, protect him from himself. He made it out like it didn't bother him, but in all honesty, it scared him to death. And he was on the phone now, consoling the teacher that it was fine and would be okay, that he didn't mind having to come down there. Yoongi was sobbing in the back, each yelp and hiccup breaking Hoseok's heart bit by bit.

Hoseok held his hand up to his teacher, pointing at his phone and mouthing his boyfriend's name. The professor understood, the attack's being more frequent and worse than before lately. So, Hoseok was able to just pack his things, every classmates eyes on him, and leave the room to go save his boyfriend.

He rushed into the room, a few students relaxing at his presence. Hoseok scooped Yoongi up into his arms, holding him to his chest and shushing him softly. He whispered little things to the boy, only trying to ease him when he flopped against his chest and sobbed, hiding in his neck and muttering, "They're making fun of me. They want to laugh at me." Over and over.

"I'm sorry," Hoseok said to everyone, leaving the room quickly, the teacher shutting the door behind them.

He breathed out, sliding down the wall with the boy still in his arms, looking at his crying face that was hidden in his chest still. His teeth caught onto his lips, watching him for a while before he began to speak. Yoongi looked so weak and vulnerable in this moment. He was never like this before, always guarded and strong. Hoseok didn't know what happened, and it scared him, but Yoongi would never listen when he suggested going to therapy.

"Baby, what happened this time?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi's hand wrapped around the front of his shirt, gripping onto it tightly. His heart snapped, moving his hand up and down Yoongi's side gently to soothe him as much as he could possibly. But Yoongi didn't move for the longest time, sniffling and soaking Hoseok's shirt for the while they sat there, cuddling in silence. A small frown met with Hoseok's face the longer Yoongi cried, not moving except when the tears shook his body. Hoseok tried to keep still and allow him to let it out, but it became too much for him eventually, and he needed to talk.

Though, he didn't need to say anymore to get him to speak, Yoongi already saying, "I was trying to take my test, but someone tried to get my attention. When I looked up, everyone was looking down. They wouldn't tell me who it was who called me. They all just whispered about me and acted like I was crazy. I'm not crazy. They started laughing at me when I started crying and the teacher was mocking me. You have to believe me, Seoky."

"I do, baby, I do," Hoseok replied softly, brushing his fingers through the elder's hair. "Don't you ever worry about me. I'm always here. I will always believe you."

But he didn't. He knew the story, he saw the looks the other students had. They looked afraid, not amused. The teacher called him for a reason, and it wasn't to embarrass Yoongi, it was to protect him. The teacher had a gentle tone when she called. Hoseok knee when the teachers here did something to embarrass you, and when they did something to help you. The teacher with Yoongi didn't mean any harm, and he knew that, wholeheartedly.

He just wished Yoongi did.

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