the shadow in the window

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my vision gets blurry and another tear slowly rolls down my cheek and the once visable room becomes one big blur. i blast my favorite band to block out the sound of my own thoughts and and my parents lound arguing voices from outside my bedroom door. i begin to stare out my bed room window into the starry moon lit night. i wipe my mascara stained cheeks and squit my eyes a the sight of.... wait is that a person staring at me? in the two story house acros the street from my own i notice a light turn on in the upstairs bedroom the a figure walked to the window and stared out of it...almost as if it was staring directly at me. i could see any distinced facial chararistics and the more i looked the blurrier the shadow became. then i saw it, the shadows eyes began to glow a bright red and stare into my soul.i suddenly gasp for air as if i d seen a ghost all the oxygen in my body was lost ...... mabye i did see a ghost..

i try to update once a day but i hope you like it so far i know its not alot and i promise it will start to make sense in the next chapter~!!~ 

the shadow in the windowWhere stories live. Discover now