chapterrrr whatever song: all the little things by blink 182

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my best friend is dead. okay. well i guess u could say im in denial and so is the rest of my high school everyone except for kayden reid molly lyn carley patterson and nick davis. with no suprise they went along like nothing had even happened and almost acted happy that she was gone. and now that i sit and stare over at them laughing and having a good time i couldnt help but  notice carley act as if shed known the rest of the group since birth even know she was fairly new to our school. when kayden looked over to me i quickly turned my head down to my book and pray that he didnt notice my long gaze. when i look back i notice now nicks gray eyes staring towards me and i start to understand why he fits in with kayden reid; he is sort of like that sweet understood shy kid that hangs out with the populars in movie and when he walks down the sidealk alone he would remind you of a puppy that got kicked too many times and cowers when a car dirves past him you would never guess that he was the kid that sits with the in crowd at lunch. most people wouldnt find and beauty in his fragile composire but i just might. he blinks a few times and his simple glance begins to turn into a stare not a stare of discust but instead a a stare of wonder or awe. his eyes blaze a bright glow stick like green only for a second and almost like he was in a trance he saunters over towards my empty table and i hunch over the table and grow nervous. " h-hey, im nick" he studders and then smiles at me shyly. " hi, im olivia" i feel sweat prickle the top of my forehead and i get the chills.  he starts again " thats a really pretty name" . i look around a notice all of the wierd looks that im getting. " thhanks " i studder feeling stupid once again i try to smile cutly but utterly fail i mean at this exsact moment i feel so special just because he is talking to me. "your eyes are- woah- they are so purple- they are gorgeous." he stared blankly into the depths of my eyes. "my eyes arent purple' i now sounded full or athority. i quickly looked into my reflection in the mirror like window behind me. purple. bright brillient glowing purple eyes look back at me and i feel like im going to be sick  but i cant tell if its because of the great deal of the night i spent crying or becsue of- of god. i pushed past nick and ran ran so fast faster thn i ever did before i didnt know why maybe because i was scared. i was scared of myself. i just kept running untill i ran completely out of the school and on the side walk leading towards my house. the crisp fall air is bing pushed into my lunges and fills them like a balloon  and the orange and burgandy leaves fall from the trees i stop to notice them and see a symbol carved into the bark of the tree. i take a step back now realizing where i am. the house of the the shadow man. my breathing quickly escapades and i run the rest of the way home without stoping.

i really like the book so far!! how about you guys? it would be really awesome if you could comment tellingv me what you like and dont like!! it would be like flippin amazzinngg yo. i would so love you forever and ever if i could get some feedback i needdd to know what im doing wrong! xox #likeswervebish ~!~

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