chapter 3 song: fall out boy alone together

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so here i am sitting on my bed like usual looking out the window at the orange magenta sunset before me. my life seems awesome, right? no, most of the kids i know are out on this friday night partying, but its no big deal i dont mind any way i dont really like the whole party scene. so im not actuall one of the "kool kids". i mean alot of kids arent kool. but my best friend; Michelle fitz on the other hand is this years "it girl" and i bet your wondering how i am even friends with her, well thats a great question. because i dont really know how. 

"buzzzzzzzz" my phone loudly buzzes on my bedside table for the first time today. i jump in shock of the sound and clutch my chest. as i breathe out heavily i read the text sent to me by guess who? michelle. what a crazy conencidence huh?.   " hey, come over?" it said. I hurridly typed back " okay kool be there in 15" . 20 short minuets later i arrived at michelles house. i lived about 2 blocks from her house and honestly i enjoyed walking over because in mid october the fall leaves are still sheading from the trees and a slight cinnomon smelling breeze is always blowing so i took my time on the walk but as soon as i got there i had wished i had walked faster. about six cop cars were parked out side of the house that was now surrounded in cation tape the blue red sirens were still going off and they made my eyes blur my heart pounded a hundred miles a minute i was never this scared in my life. i ran up to the nearest cop and begged him for anwswers. " the whole fitz family was murdered early this morning." he quickly walked away from me like he had somthing to do. he left me standing there feeling wounded and wishing  this was one big joke. wait did he say the found them dead this morning? no no no that cant be right i just got a text from her twenty minutes ago. fml. 

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