immortal song: miss jackson by PATD

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the next day i decided to stay home with the i-dont-feel-so-good acuse and it worked on my parents  with no doubt i mean they probably wouldnt notice if id stayed home or not. my mom had decided to stay at my grandmas lake cottage and soon after my father left to his new girlfriends house and i was of course left home alone. my house wasnt the newest so when nobody wans home the house would creek and the wind would howl ecspesially on chilly autum nights like this. "ccrreeekk" oh shit was that a door. "" i crept to the edg of the stairs and looked down to the front door. oh dont be silly it was just the wind. i walked back into my room and ploped back down on the bed and as i reached for my phone my bedroom door slamed shut..and in front of it stood molly lyn. her deep blue eyes almost like midnight  stare through me and her long black mane blew in the out-of-nowhere breeze suddenly givivng me goosebumps. i was searching for words but i couldnt find any at the moment. and out of now where molly pulls out a handgun and steadily holds it in front of her. "w-what are y-ou doing molly?" i stammered aroung looking for words once again. "just be quiet and it will be over in  second" her words cut through me like a knife. i dont want to die. im too young. no 15 years insnt enough time. tears blurred my vison and ran down my cheeks "please molly." i begged "ugh, just sit still!" she cursed. i closed my eyes waiting for the bullit to plummit through my heart. the next thing i hear is a click noise of the trigger and an echo of a gunshot run through my ear drums.. 

i struggle to open my eyes lids and sit up on my bed.. "molly?" my voice is quiet and pathetic. i see a blurry figure in the corner on my room..when my vision comes into foucus i riealize molly is still in my room...watching me die. i dare to look down at my chest where the bullet had hit..blood just running down my shit and onto my new bed spread...oh great that stain is never going to come out.. the wind in my room seems to be on full speed and as i sit up my hair whirls around my head. my hands feel full of electricity and my skirt blows in the wind too. right abut now i realize that it is totally unnormal for there to be 15mph blowing in my room.. mollys dark eyes get wide and she backes right up to the wall in fear. the papers on my desk blow around the room and when i look at my reflection in the mirror i see someone that i dont even reconize and at first it scares me. my eyes once again glow a deep purple my hair  is being blown back behind me in messy strands and i am no longer touching the floor. my feet are lifted and feel full of electriciy and sparkle like glittter. my stare is deadly and frightens even me. by now molly is trembling in the corner like an abused animal. my chest is no longer spewing blood and there is no wound left behind by a bullet. "molly, leave!" my suprisingly loud and athouritive voice yells at her. soon she runs straight out my door and i hear a slam of my front door. 

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