ugh school. -.- bulletprooflove ptv

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my new boots click in the ugly yellowish limolium floors of the school hallways. looking up i realize that the hallway is lined with my peers that ive know since grade school. as i confidently swagger past them i hear little snips of queer remarks like; whoa she is different and, is that the new girl and my personal favorite, what a bitch. nice. i look to my side and i brown haired girl is at the side of my locker with another girl who looked like a less pretty version of her. they both sat there with an ugly scowl on thier faces. wow rumor must spread as fast as the flu. i open my locker feeling much more powerful than i had a day before. i no longer felt like that little girl in the corner of the lunch room to weak and shy to muster up the courage to talk to someone. i was olivia new and improved. even my walk was more confident and toda i looked better than i ever had before. or maybe i always looked like this and never really noticed. nah. then i turned to the girls who were now whispering about me " you might want to whisper about me a little quieter because i can hear you" then i winked and turned on my heel towards 1st period. 

nick. that was my first stop. i walked to his seat in the usual corner he cowerd when i looked at him. " hey, nick" i gave him a sweet smile showing him i wasnt going to impale him with the pencile in my hand. "hey olivia, how are you" he said polietly reminding me of nothing less then your average prince charming. today he wore a blue shirt that went well with his eyes and a gray pair of skinny jeans " um im good, i mean well, something strange happened to me maybe you had something to do with it." i could see thie look in his eyes. he knew what i was talking about. ' i dont think i should be the one to tell you olivia, im sorry but you have to wait." what the hell was he talking about i would have to wait. i didnt want to have to wait to hear why molly shot me. or why i actually survied. or if that was even what he was refureing to. "thanks" i said but with all honesty he didnt help me at all. so thanks for nothing. 

soon the bell rang and i ended up running into the principle. "omigod im so sorry im such a clutz" i apoligized to mrs. della. "oh its ok sweety. she said in the kind voice that made all of us respect her. "back off olivia, you dont want to end up like your friend, do you?" no. wrong that has got to be wrong. mrs. della said but this time her voice was less like a kindergaten teacher and more like the a possesed moster in a scary movie. my heart began to race agian and my mouth went dry. i dreamily walked to my locker and when it opened a single index card size paper fell out landing on the floor. it read: 

     " the old movie theater 10 o clock saturday night" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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