chapter two

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" Mr. Reid, could you please pay attention" an old monotoned voice repeated for the third time this period. the class snickered at mrs. davis' remark and the devilish blue eyes of kayden reid rolled as the frail teacher tuned back to the board. it was only mid september and i was already too used to kaydens adittude. i dozed off as the teacher went on about newtons laws of bla, bla, bla. when the bell rang what seemed like hours later everyone scrambled to get to their next period class. 

and glance changed everything that one glance put me out of my morning daze and into full on panic mode. one look a single look at those red eyes last time id seem them they were attatched to some shadow figure but not this time. kayden reid, the class clown, charming star football player but kayden the kid with red this cant be happening. 

i bustled to the door way and on my way out... "slam" soon all of my books and papers were scattered along the hallway. i breathed heavily kneeling down to recover my homework when a soft voice knelt down beside me " oh,  so sorry im such a klutz"   when all of my papers were back in my arms the girls crisp emerald eyes looked into mine "please dont tell anyone about his eyes" she almost said in a whisper. her eyes looked almost apoligetic for asking such a big favor but even though id never met this girl in my life i felt she was my bestfriend and i needed to keep her crush a secret. " of course, the secret is safe with me, know one will ever know." i pursed my lips into a line and nodded reasuringly. " thanks so much" she said she reached her arms over my shoulders and hugged me. " oh, by the way my name is carly patterson" her eyes opened wider and i looked deep into them it was so invoulentary i didnt feel in control any more. the green in her eyes seemed to burst into flames before my eyes, the fire began to crackle and spark. " and your name is..." carly pushed me back into to reality " oh, im olivia, olivia jade." i quickly answered. "see you around, olivia jade" carly flashed her pearly whites at me and with that she was gone, and vanished down the hallway. 

i pinky promise to update tomorrow!! please keep reading :) ;) ~!~

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