Xue Yang (xv)

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It had to be said that the protagonist's luck was truly something else in that the moment Feng Xinya stepped out of Xue Yang's room, the two had run into each other.

"Ah! Oww.."

It's not that Feng Xinya hadn't noticed the protagonist's presence in the hallway, rather after sensing the protagonist nearing Xue Yang's room door in the hallway he had deliberately timed his departure to clash with the latter's.

Ye Xia had just finished his morning routine of relaxing in the jacuzzi and only wore a damp pair of light blue swimming trunks with a fluffy white towel hanging around his neck.

Due to the force of their impact, while Feng Xinya didn't so much as stumble, Ye Xia had fallen backwards onto the ground with a resounding boom which caught Xue Yang's attention as the commotion took place right outside of his own room.

"What happened?" He squeezed himself through the space between Feng Xinya and the door frame in worry since the crash was very loud and Ye Xia could have been hurt.

As Ye Xia looked up from his position on the floor, the first thing his sight was drawn to, was the glaring red ambiguous mark on Xue Yang's neck accompanied by his slightly disorderly clothes, and his swollen lips and red rimmed eyes that looked as if he had just cried.

What made things worse was that Feng Xinya was clearly exiting his room and it had been some time since the two of them had finished their breakfast and retreated to their respective destinations!

Also, the older man's hair was slightly messier than normal and both of them were in such close proximity but he didn't seem to mind it at all!

Of course, the only and most reasonable conclusion Ye Xia could draw from the state of the other boy was that the two of them had done that!

And it probably wasn't even their first time either, which made Ye Xia feel even more wronged since he had liked Feng Xinya from the time he first rescued him from the brothel which was already more than four months ago!

He didn't really believe that a prostitute like Xue Yang would feel anything aside from lust for his partners since that was the stereotype for people in that industry.

In fact, when his train of thought went this way, he started to believe that it was Xue Yang who had spread his legs and seduced Feng Xinya since there was no way such a rigid man would voluntarily take the initiative.

Even though Xue Yang was no longer a part of that world, Ye Xia knew from the few days he'd spent with him while they were there that Xue Yang had many partners each day and felt that it would be impossible to adjust to a normal lifestyle so easily. So, he had automatically assumed that the other boy used Feng Xinya as a way to fill in the void from leaving the job he'd done for most of his life, while Feng Xinya didn't deny his advances because he was a grown man with desires.

Although it upset him that Feng Xinya didn't consult him about his desires, Ye Xia felt that he only had himself to blame for not taking the initiative before Xue Yang did.

Xue Yang felt awkward because he knew that the brown-haired boy in front of him didn't see him in a very good light. He really didn't blame him for it either because those days in the brothel weren't exactly what he would want anyone to know much less watch and listen for that matter.

Despite his discomfort, though, knowing that the man beside him wouldn't be helping anytime soon if at all Xue Yang wordlessly extended out a hand towards the boy who was still sitting on the ground with an aggrieved look on his face.

Unfortunately he forgot that his wrists were currently marred with the bruises left behind by Feng Xinya's firm grip from earlier, and Ye Xia thought that Xue Yang was showing off his claim over the older man beside him.

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