Chapter 3 - why?

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Knuckles was on the bench alone thinking of Sonic...
Knuckles thought, I...I don't understand...why did Sonic yell at me?...and...*trails off as he recalled what had happen with the explosions and the bruises and Sonics bloodshot eyes and hearing Sonic screaming..*...oh man I forgot about those things...but why was Sonic crying?...did something happened?...because if so...why would Sonic scream like that?....he looked heartbroken...It wasn't just from us...but snapping at us like that?...that's not like him...I better figure this out... he stands up before walking away... he walked around town asking what had happen to Sonic but all they did was keep quiet... then one villager said that send chills up Knuckles spine, there are things about Sonic that others are not meant to know...nor unless you wanna end up dead...stay away from Sonic the Hedgehog... Knuckles didn't understand him... Knuckles said to himself, what do they mean by...there are things others are not meant to know or understand Sonic... that's when Orbot and Cubot appeared doing whatever... Knuckles walks to them and said, hold it right there you two... Cubot said as they see him, you got some nerve talking to us... Orbot said, what is it now?...can't you see we're mourning for our boss still? Knuckles said, first off its not morning anymore and second off...what do you know about Sonic what happened to him?...did that bald-brain-dimwit do something to him? better answer me... both robots looked at each other before Orbot said, wouldn't you like to know?...*Knuckles nodded* the other night our boss said to pick up a couple of corpses for his Zombie scheme but when we found two corpses...Sonic caught us...


The two robots were dragging two hedgehog corpses (one out of two are dead)...but that's when a light appears in front of them... Cubot said, OH NO ITS THE POLICE!!! Orbot looks closer and said, no that's Sonic... Sonics eyes widened as he sees the tears he screamed, NNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!! Sonic rushes to them said as he kicks the two away from the corpses, STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!...WHAT DID YOU DO?! Sonic screamed, WHY?!...WHY THEM?!...*that's when one corpse moved trying to breath as Sonic gasped* a green hedgehog covered in bruises, gashes, and scratch marks said as he tries to breath, Sonic gasped and said, your alive?... the hedgehog said, I..I..I...I' Sonic said, no...don't apologize
...I..I'll help you...I promise... he sees the source of the problem...a rope was wrapped around his neck tightly..and something was pulling it...Sonic grabbed a knife out of his scarf and cuts the rope... as the rope was cut the green hedgehog started breathing again slowly... Sonic was in tears as he picked up the green hedgehog... the two robots were confused... Sonic glared at them before they ran and hid... Sonic mumbled, big brother...hang in...there ..
he then screamed in tears, SOMEBODY..
..ANYBODY!!...I NEED HELP!!! Then Rika, Grey-Sky, and Cyrus rushed in. Cyrus said, Sonic?...*eyes widened* oh that?...Manic?...and Sonia?... Grey-Sky said as he turn to them, quick get them both at the fortress immediately... Sonic gave Manic to Grey-Sky before they ran with both hedgehogs... Sonic stood up and walked off with a hateful glare.

<flashback ends>

Orbot finished, and that's what happened... Knuckles was in disbelief before shaking his head and said, who were they? Both robots shrugged before floating all the way to their new home. Knuckles mumbled, whoever they were they must've been important to Sonic...huh? That's when he sees Barker having a conversation with Shawn. Barker said to him, well I never knew he go that's no wonder he needed those explosions... Shawn said, let me guess you got it from a coal mine? Barker said, not likely sport...look Shawn your gonna be grown up soon...and take my place for the circus of wonders...besides you know the old Barker code... Shawn said, an heir and member of the Barker family has to be strict but fair for the circus of wonders no matter what... Barker said as he pets his head, that's my son... Shawn said, anyway...I meant to ask why and when did you become a con-man Dad? Barker replied, it's a long story Shawn... that's when Knuckles walked to him and said, what do you two know about the explosions Sonic was carrying? Barker and Shawn turn to him as Shawn said with huff, ugh...not the idiot of hedgehog-village again... Barker said, what do you want? Knuckles said, you know what I want...I want answers...I heard you said that you were the one who gave Sonic all that explosive materials... Shawn growled before Barker indicated him to let him talk...he turn to Knuckles and said, yeah...yeah...yeah okay?...I'm the one that gave him the explosive materials but I didn't know what he needed it began when I was selling used fireworks filled with the suitable material that can set a person to become ashes or whatever is left of whoever gets burned...


Barker was selling the used fireworks and all that's explosive related.. Sonic walks to him and said, how much explosive can this be?... Barker said, what? gonna stop me? Sonic glared and said, no...I want the explosive materials to burrr....bring my anger to its knees... Barker said as he pointed to the unused explosive and said, well your in luck...there happens to be a lot of it...I think it's best that you have it... Barker snicker thinking this will get him into trouble but that's when he realized something when Sonic got the explosive materials.. Barker asked, wait...what do you even need it for? Sonic replied coldly, let's just say I am gonna give this ungrateful village a "bang" of a life time... he walks away as Shawn butted in, THAT DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE!!!

<flashback ends>

Barker finished, after that...we kept thinking what he meant by a bang of a life time...until that explosion at a certain evil lair... Shawn said, yeah I didn't even know what he was thinking... Barker said, maybe he wasn't...someone should put him in the asylum... both laughed a little before Knuckles glared and growled at them as if to say "don't ever joke about Sonic like that." causing them to stop laughing Barker cleared his throat and said, anywho that's all we know... then a yellow hedgehog rushed to them and yelled, SSSSHHHAAAWWWWWNNNN!!!! That's when he hugs him and yelled, YOU ARE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS!!...YOU ARE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS!!! Shawn yelled, believe what Boomer? Boomer said as he cried, Sonic found him...he's alive... Shawn asked, who? Boomers eyes were concerned and relieved as Shawn said in shock, oh...him... Shawn looked at Boomer for a moment before he said, I'll be right back...I have a friend to see... Barker nodded before Shawn left with Boomer... Barker mumbles, is Manic still alive?....hmm...well let's hope Sonic is alright... Knuckles asked, who are you talking about? Barker sighed before replying, didn't Sonic tell you?...*Knuckles shook his head as Barkers face darkened* all really don't know Sonic than you all think...some people aren't what they seem you know...*looks at the ground with stress and darkness*...and Sonic is one of those people who are not what they seem...*tries to act normal* so anyway I gotta go... he walks off as he mumbles in despair and stress, man...first his parents now this...I knew this village would do nothing but make him crack...poor kid....that cold-blooded green hedgehog killed my wife after he took his parents lives away. Knuckles walks off and thought, who was he talking about? fact what are they talking about... then he accidentally walked into the graveyard as he trembles in fear seeing that he walked into the graveyard... he then walks around trembling then he sees Sonic crying in front of a tombstone...he was on his knees crying as Knuckles thought, poor Sonic... Sonic felt his heart trembled as he repeated the words; why, no, & this can't be happening... Sonic mumbled, next time I see that monster I will pulverize him to death... Scourge can be heard as he said, awww is the wittle baby gonna cwy over his sissy?...face it blue...behind all the coolness and heroic junk...your just the wittle baby cwing for Mommy and Daddy.... he laughed as Sonic shouted, SHUT UP!!...SHUT UP!!..SHUT UP!!! Sonic started to sob so hard as Knuckles wanted to comfort him... Sonic was about to leave when he sees Knuckles and glares and growled as he asked, can't you find someone else bug?...I don't wanna talk to you... Sonic walked passed him but Knuckles took his hand and said, wait... Sonic struggled and said, what are you?...let go of me...let go of me or I will bite you... Knuckles said as he gripped his hand, no Sonic...please tell me what's wrong?...I need to know... Sonic said in a hushed voice, why should I? said it yourself I am not your friend...THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!...I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOUR STUPID!!...STUPID LIES!!...GO AWAY!!! Sonic got his hand free and ran off... Knuckles chased after him before yelling, SONIC WAIT!!! Sonic didn't listen he just kept running as he reached home.

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