Chapter 10 - not giving up easy

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Knuckles was at Tails workshop washing the blanket Sonic had while thinking of the broken blue hedgehog... he remembered earlier when he ran into Shawn before coming here...


Knuckles was walking with the blanket when he sees Shawn with a glare on his face and said, you should've known when to quit...even my dad says so... Knuckles said, why?...what do you even know about him?...sure neither of us know him well but... Shawn interrupted, well guess what lover boy...Sonic doesn't want to forgive anyone in fact he doesn't want to talk anyone here... Knuckles asked, WHY NOT?! Shawn shouted, BECAUSE SONIC JUST WANT REVENGE ALRIGHT?!...just leave him be... Knuckles was shocked and said, what do you mean he wanted revenge...*Shawn doesn't answer* ANSWER ME!!!...I KNOW SOMETHINGS UP!!..SOMEBODY'S BEEN HURTING HIM!!...I KNOW IT!!!...WHOEVER IT IS I WANT TO KNOW WHY?!...I CARE ABOUT HIM SHAWN AND YOY KNOW IT!! Shawn hesitated before he said, fine...he lost his parents and a few of his friends to his real arch nemesis...a hedgehog delinquent by the name of Scourge...he took everything he held dear away from Sonic...and back then and now he wants to kill Scourge for what he's done...he kidnapped his older brother and sister...but only his older brother made it out alive...those corpses he saw were his older siblings...his brother is alive and alright but it was too late for his he took the life of one of Sonics childhood friends...Grey-sky the wolf...Sonics vendetta has been increasing more and more as his grudge for Scourge starts to get bigger...the more you all bother him....the angrier and insane he gets... Knuckles felt like he knows why Sonic was so mad and so heartbroken at the same time... Shawn then said before walking away, if you love him that much?...then you better find a way to get him to calm down...the only reason he protects the village with you four is because he was trying to move thanks to everyone's childish looking behavior and the so-called teaching him a lesson or rather bullying him...he's now determine to kill Scourge... Knuckles looked down but he said, I'm not giving up easy...I'm not gonna give up easy on matter how much he yells at me and no matter how badly he beats me up...I won't give up on him easy... Shawn said, fine...but if you do get him to calm down be warned...Sonic can't calm down unless you do something... Shawn walks off as Knuckles sighs


Knuckles put the blanket in the kiln before he said to himself, I know for a fact that Sonic only wanted revenge...but why?...what good would it do for him if he killed this Scourge guy?...that's just wrong...he can't just kill someone just because he took what's left of his life... he sees the kiln drying off his blanket as Tails looked to see Knuckles starring at it. Tails asked, still not giving up huh? Knuckles sees him and said, I know your guilty but...I think there's more to Sonic than we all think...and they're not all good...*he thinks: an assassin out to avenge his loved ones...but...he always tried his best to move on...but we blew it for him...but this time I won't give up on him..* that's when he sees the blanket dried and cleaned as he rain stopped before turning off the kiln and Tails said as he noticed the purple blanket, what's that for? Knuckles said, it's Sonics blanket he had it around him when he was at the village...I don't got time to talk Tails...I have to see him. Knuckles sighs before taking it with him to Sonics house. Knuckles thought, it's time to finally set things right...

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