1. It Has Begun

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// General POV

"Well I'm just gonna get some shut eye. After today, we better be rested for the next hunt." Dean walked into the bunker, followed by his brother Sam and Castiel.

"Yea sure. You guys get some rest. I'll do some research." Sam stated, walking towards a desk.

"Dean. I do not need to sleep. You know that." Castiel remonded the older hunter, staring right into his eyes.

"Okay Sammy. And Cas. I um- don't know what you normal do at night. But you go do that." Dean smiled at the angel before walking towards the showers to wash of the blood of the vamp they had just killed.

Castiel disappeared and waited for Dean to be asleep.

Dean walked into the shower and stripped off his clothes. He turned on the warm water and let it run through his hair and back, cleaning the wounds he had recieved.

After he finished he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked to his room. He pulled on boxers and walked over to a drawer. Pulling out a needle, medical thread, floss, and some whiskey, he began to work on the more open wounds.

Sam searched the local murders or disappearances roaming around in the certain area they were currently hunting,

Everything was going fuzzy. There was a voice. It seemed somewhat familiar. Sam shook his head and blinked a few times, trying to regain focus.

Oh. Just stupid memories.

Sam thought to himself. He had been remembering Gabriel. But he usually just ignored it.

After a few hours Sam closed his laptop and flopped down on the couch, falling asleep emmidiatly.

// Gabriel's POV

Gabriel appeared inside the bunker. He had found out the location of this baby a few months ago and checked in a few times, just to see what everyone was up to.

He walked around.

Today was the day it was all going to happen.

The Trickster was going to have some fun tonight.

Gabriel had been plotting this for weeks. And now it was time to take action.

Sam was laying asleep on the sofa. He looked so peaceful. Gabriel had always been fond of the taller Winchester.

Get it together Gabriel. Just start zapping em'

Soon. . . Gabriel would have Sam falling for him. They had to play their roles after all.

Gabriel poofed up in Dean's room to make sure he was there.

To his surprise, so was Cassie.

"Well well Cassie. Keeping an eye on your Winchester?" Gabriel chuckled.

Castiel quickly turned around, eyes wide with shock. Oh yea. Gabriel was dead. Ha whatever, like that ever actually happened.

"Gabriel?! Y-you're dead. You were dead." Castiel gasped.

"Hellooo. Trickter." Gabriel smirked. Cas stumbled on his feet and took Gabe into a hug. Damn. He didn't know Cas had missed him this much.

"Hey hey Cassie. It's alright. I'm here. " He patted Castiel's back.

Cas pulled away and looked back at Dean.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Oh you know. . .just about to have some fun. . ." He mumbled.

Castiel turned around, furrowing his brow. Cas was on to him. He didn't know what exactly was about to happen but he knew Gabriel was going to do something.

Cas lungded forward.

Gabriel snapped his fingers.

And he was gone.

Everyone, even Castiel, was asleep.

It had begun.

This was going to be so much fun.

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