10. Thank You

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*Hello everyone! I was extremely amused with last chapter's comments! I really enjoy writing this fic. But sadly it is coming to an end...I hope you all enjoy this chapter. For all I know, this might be the last chapter... yep...this might be the last chapter guys...I hope ya'll enjoyed this fanfiction. *

// Sam's POV

"Gabriel...I - I need you to change everything back." Sam breathed out as Gabriel removed his mask.

"Aw, do I have to?" He pouted. "I was having so much fun...especially with the surprise I have your brother and his angel. Oh it's so shocking, it's to die for!" Gabriel gushed.

Sam's eyes widened.

"Gabriel...what did you do?"

"Oh nothing much... Anyways, you want everything back to normal? Well boohoo. You'll have to catch me first..." he smirked before snapping his fingers and disappearing.

Sam ran back into the palace and gasped.

Everything and everyone was still. As if he had stopped time.

Sam wandered around the still people, looking for Gabriel.

"GABRIEL! Please!" Sam called out as he ran around.

He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. He wasn't going to get anywhere just calling for him.

Gabriel said he had a surprise waiting for Dean and Cas. That is was to die for. If Gabriel hurt Dean...Sam wouldn't be able to live with himself.

If Gabriel killed or hurt Cas...Dean would blame himself everyday because he couldn't save him. Even if it was Gabriel's fault. Dean couldn't live without Castiel... and Sam couldn't live without Dean.

"You have to catch me Samwich!" Gabriel's laugh echoed in the room.

Sam ran around the halls looking for him.

Where the hell could he be?!

Damn it...when Sam gets his hands on him he wouldn't know what to do with him.

"Come on Sammy~ You're close!"

"Gabriel! Where the hell are you, you coward?!" Sam ran into a room.

"Whoopsies. Not there Sammy. You'll never find me at this rate!" He laughed again.

Sam leaned against a wall and sighed.

"Damn it Gabriel...I never wanted this...I never wanted you to be this way..." he choked. "I - I thought you were dead damn it! When I watched that video with Dean and you said you were dead. I wanted to scream! I wanted to cry! I wanted so hard and badly to mourn because I had lost you! But I didn't...I couldn't let Dean know...I couldn't let him know..." he yelled as his eyes began to fill with tears.

"And now...well. You're alive! And I am so damn happy to have my angel alive! But now you are doing all this?! For what? I get that you're the trickster and all but why this? You're threatening to kill Dean or Cas. Maybe even both. And I'm not having that. Damn it when this is over...I don't even know what I'll do... we'll probably hunt you down. But I wont kill you Gabriel. No matter how much I wish I could...I don't want to. But if you make me I will..." he whispered the last bit as he let the tears spill from his eyes.

"Why?" Gabriel asked from behind him.

Sam spun around and faced the Trickster.

"What?" He asked.

Gabriel walked closer to him.

"Why don't you want to kill me?" He asked a bit confused.

Sam sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

Who's Your Prince Charming? (Sabriel/Destiel Disney AU)Where stories live. Discover now