5. The Invitation

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*Another update! Yay! I hope you guys are enjoying this!*

// Castiel's POV

Castiel woke up with a sore throat. What happened?

There was a shipwreck. He jumped off. Someone had saved him. Who?

Castiel's vision had blurred out and he couldn't see the person clearly.

But it...it looked like Dean. It couldn't have been.

"Oh Castiel! You've awoken!" A man spoke.

Castiel looked up and smiled.

A giant fluffy dog jumped onto the bed and licked Castiel's face.

Cas jumped and laughed. He pushed the dog away and got up.

"Well I'm just gonna go down to the beach. To um...look...for something." Cas walked out of the room, the dog following behind.

// Dean's POV

Dean looked around the broken room. His 'father' had left. Dean just stood there. Staring at the shattered pieces of Castiel's statue. Tears were threatening to spill out.

Dean chuckled quietly. Why was he getting so worked up over a bunch of junk that wasn't even his?

"Dean...I..." someone began. But Dean didn't have time for this.

"Just leave me alone." He whispered.

There was silence.

He wasn't going to cry. No. He had to be strong.

"Aww poor boy." Someone sneered.

Dean quickly turned around and saw two eels, circling him.

"What the hell do you want?" Dean growled.

"Oh us? We just wanted to help."

"Help? How?" Dean asked curiously.

"Ursula...she can help. She'll make all your dreams come true!" They gushed.

Dean rolled his eyes.

"Ursula? The freaking sea witch? Ha well I'm sorry, not really. But I ain't going to see no freaking bitch witch. I've been a hunter long enough to know not to make deals like that."

The eels hissed at Dean.

"Well Deano, I said play your roles. And that's what you're going to do." Gabriel whispered in his head.

"Wait! Okay. Okay. I'll go." Dean stated, following the eels.

He gained control again, but still followed. He could be able to get to Cas. And the faster he did that, the faster they could get out and find Sam. And smite that Trickster.

// Sam's POV

Sam mopped the floor. He was tired. He'd been cleaning all day.

After he finished he swept another side of the house. He was about to finish when that cat, Lucifer ran around, trailing dust and dirt everywhere.

"Oh god Lucifer! Ughh go away!" He swatted at the cat.

It hissed and ran away. Sam cleaned the mess all over again.

He walked up towards the music room where he heard awful singing and someone playing an instrument awfully.

Sam walked away and into his room.

He looked out the window towards the castle. Such a lovely castle.

God why was he thinking like this.

"Hey Samwich! Yep yep! I'm in this story too. I'm the prince...and I live in that castle. So to get to me and stop all this nonsense. You have to go to the ball. And possible oh I don't now...fall in love with me?" Gabriel mumbled the last bit.

Sam's eyes widened. He just had to get to that ball and find Gabriel! Once he found him, everything could go back to normal.

Sam saw a carriage in front of his current household.

He ran downstairs and to the doorway. A man stood there talking with the stepmother.

After a few minutes, she shooed them away an walked inside.

"Girls! GIRLS! Get over here! We've got it!" She yelled into the house. Sam ran downstairs.

He past by his stepsisters. They laughed and pushed him aside.

"What is it mother?" Anastasia asked.

"We've received an invitation to the ball girls! The prince shall choose a wife! It's tonight!" She smiled at her daughters.

Sam walked downstairs, nervously. The prince? The palace....Gabriel! He would be there! Sam had to get to that ball.

"I'm going too right...?" He asked shyly.

They all turned to him with wide eyes. And they laughed.

"Of course you aren't going! You're a simple servant! Besides, why would the prince want to marry you?! You're just a poor boy who can't afford decent clothes. Wait...are you telling me you're..."

"No!" Sam yelled. He snatched the letter and read it. "Ah ha! It says everyone is invited. Which means I have the right to go." He crossed his arms.

A smirk ran across the old woman's lips.

"Fine. You can go."

"Mother!" The girls yelled.

"Shut up you two! Samuel. You can go...if you find a presentable suit to wear and you finish all your chores."

Sam's eyes brightened with hope. He only had a few chores to do. He could find a suit.

He smiled and nodded, walking away.

"May I remind you...you must clean the entire house. No mop. No broom. Soap and water and rag. You must clean the chimney. Clean the stables. Wash all the clothes. Feed the animals. All of it, has to be done in a few hours. And you have to find a decent suit. Not any of your ripped rags."

Sam turned around, wide eyed. What was she thinking?! He was never going to finish. Not in time for tonight.

"That's impossible! I can't finish all that in a few hours! Besides I've already done most of that!" He yelled.

"Well then do it again!" She responded. "Come on girls, let's get ready for tonight." She finished, and with that all three girls walked into the same room to try on dresses.

Sam groaned loudly and stopped up to his room.

"Damn it. Damn that old hag. I'll never find a suit and finish these stupid chores in time!"

"Sammy Sammy!" A mouse yelled.

Sam turned around, "what?" He asked.

"You Sammy! Sammy go do chores! We fix suit for Sammy!" He squeaked.

Sam's eyes brightened again and he nodded, running out to finish the chores.

Who's Your Prince Charming? (Sabriel/Destiel Disney AU)Where stories live. Discover now