3. You're So In Trouble

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*Hello my peeps! How are my readers doing?

I really hope you guys like this story and such.

Thanks a lots to @A_TardisBlue221B for commenting on these chapters! I really appreciate it!

Enjoy this chapter my peeps!*

// Sam's POV

Sam walked around the house carrying a bucket of seeds. He walk outside towards the stables. For some reason he knew what he was doing.

He opened a gate where there were chickens and threw seeds at them.

They all began eating the food, except one. One of them just stared at Sam.

Sam made a bitch face and rolled his eyes.

"What?" He asked.

The chicken clucked and flew at Sam.

Sam covered his face with his hands, accidentally dropping the bucket on the ground.

He tried swatting the chicken away from his face.

It squawked and clucked in his face.

Sam managed to grab it and stuffed it in the bucket.

He sighed and grabbed some carrots, walking towards a horse.

He fed it the carrot and rubbed his nose.

"Hey there...you know what's wrong with that chicken?" Sam sighed

Great. Now I'm talking to horses.

The horse neighed and nudged Sam's cheek with it's snout. Sam smiled and pet the horse once more before leaving to feed the dog he somehow knew they had.

After that Sam walked back into the giant mansion and into the basement where apparently he was supposed to cook for someone...

Sam started cooking something for someone when a bell on the wall began to ring.

Then the next.

Soon, all three were ringing loudly.

So that's who he was cooking for.

"Coming!" Sam yelled, hoping someone would here him.

He carried two trays on one arm and one on the other while he had a teapot on his head. He literally had no idea he could balance that.

Sam walked up the stairs and placed a tray in front of the first person's door. He knocked and walked over to the next, doing the same. And the last.

He took the pot off his head and started to pour tea into a cup on every tray. One full one. One empty.

He didn't know why.

Sam was walking away, to do any other chores he supposedly had.

There was a scream. From one of the rooms.

Sam ran up the stairs and slammed his fists against the door.

"Lady?! Lady?! What's wrong?!" Sam yelled.

The girl screamed louder.

"RAT!" She yelled.

Oh shiz. Not the mice. Damn it.

Sam kicked opened the door to find a girl in green standing on a table, screaming her head off.

"RAT!!" She yelled.

Sam looked around and found a mouse in red. Sam picked him up and let him out of the room.

He stopped in front of the girl and tried to calm here.

"Hey! Hey. It's okay. It's gone! Gone! It's gone!" Sam waved his hands at her.

The girl stopped screaming and glared at him.

"You. You did this! You put the rat in my cup! You brought it here!" She yelled, jumping off of the table and walking into him.

Sam walked backwards, trying to get away and out of the room.

"Drizella?! What happened?!" A girl in pink ran out of her room, almost tripping on the try on the floor.


The girl in pink gasped and grabbed her sister, taking her into another room.

"You're so in trouble, Samuel."

They slammed the door and soon there was yelling and crying.

Sam sighed and leaned against the railing of the stairs.

Damn those two were so stuck up.

After a few minutes the girls came out with pleased smiles on their faces.

"Our mother will see you know." They smirked.

The step mom? Oh shiz.

Sam walked into the room. It was dark. All you could really see were the woman's eyes and another pair of them closer to the bed sheets.

"Y-yes...?" Sam asked slowly.

The woman's eyes narrowed.

"So it's true...you placed a rat in my daughter's tea?" She asked. A cat purred on her bed.

"No ma'am. I don't know how that mouse got in there. I'm so very sorry." Sam apologized.

"Go on Lucifer. Go catch those bloody rats." She whispered to the cat on her bed. It jumps off and walked out the door.

"If I had known- " Same began.

"You don't know anything Samuel! That's why you're a servant! You serve me, Drizella, and Anastasia!" The woman yelled.

Sam jumped back and glared at the older woman.

"So that's all I am to you?! A servant?! I'm your stepson for god's sake! Why the hell would you put me through all this?! Damn it lady..." Sam yelled.

The woman's eyes narrowed so much Sam couldn't see them anymore.

Next thing he knew, there was a stinging feeling on his cheek as a hand slapped across his face.

"You better shut up boy if you know what's good for you."

"Y-yea ma'am...sorry ma'am. I am so sorry stepmother..." Sam looked down at the floor.

The woman walked back over to her bed and sat down. Sam walked out.

Sam ran towards his room and leaned against the door.

Damn this was a horrible family. He felt bad for anyone who had to put up with them.

Sam sighed and rubbed his cheek.

He waited a while before grabbing a bucket filled with soap and water and walked back downstairs.

He grabbed a mop on the way.

Sam was going to smite Gabriel. No matter what.

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