All Fun At The Fun Park

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“Guys! Let's go to the amusement park!” The two brunettes looked over to their ginger friend, both confused on what the other was talking about.

“Matt we can't. Unless you're wanting to get more novelty toys, which we could go to the arcade for a claw machine, we can't go to the amusement park. Especially with all three of us pregnant.” He leaned back more, both of his hands resting under his belly.

“Well who says we can't? We're adults! And anyway I bet the babies would love it!” Matt looked overly hyper about this idea of his.

“There are safety restrictions on the rides, Matt. And one of those on most of the rides is that you can't be pregnant. And we surely fall under that, all three of us are heavily pregnant, practically due.” He nodded at Tom's words, feeling a few kicks against his hands. The three of them weren't just pregnant and due, they were carrying a set of twins each.

“Well we can get around that. The babies aren't very noticeable outwardly, and we could just pass off as three chubby guys. All I know is that I want to go to the amusement park.” The ginger stomped his foot and crossed his arms over his chest, visibly pouting. They couldn't tell if he was just acting like a toddler, or an actual pregnant woman.

“I guess it wouldn't hurt to go. The worst thing is the workers finding out or one of us going into labor.” Shrugging, he smiled at how Matt cheered, glad that he got his way. Tom huffed to his side, but didn't protest anymore. The three of them puttered around the house getting things ready to go, grabbing emergency supplies in the case that one of them did go into labor. Blankets, towels, and their swim trunks were packed into a bag and put in the car. It was true that if they didn't say it or pantomime anything they could pass as just being a little overweight, himself looking a little more so from his pudge from before he had gotten pregnant.

Climbing into the car, he couldn't help but grin at seeing the other two so ready to go out. He couldn't help but wonder if Matt's intention was to get them out of the house, they'd been staying home much more due to the closeness of their due dates. As they reached the theme park, they had to decide what they were doing first, figuring out that they would do some of the more normal rides first, they rented out a locker to put their swim things and supplies in.

“Let's go on the boat first!” Matt hopped a little, gesturing in the direction of said ride with one hand while the other was in his hoodie pocket against his stomach. That was an easily hidden way to hide their condition. Watching Tom smirk at the mention of the ride, he couldn't help but mention something.

“You do realize that that one goes upside down right? I don't have anything against it, just thought you should know.” Seeing two nods, he grinned a little before following after the others. The three of them got into line, waiting and talking for a bit before they were let on the ride itself. The belts weren't too difficult for them, which was a good thing. As the ride started up with its light rocking, he could feel the motion calming his unborn. That was until the ship had started going higher and ultimately full circle. He could feel the weight against his diaphragm every time the ship rocked, it being a little uncomfortable but not the worst. They had to help a severely dizzy Matt off the ride when it was over, the ginger having gone a little pale during the thrill. Resting on a bench for a few moments, they went on with their travels through the park, taking restroom breaks and sitting on benches between rides.

“Anyone else feel like they're being beaten from the inside? These two sure don't enjoy us resting.” Hearing Tom give a soft laugh, he was more than glad that they were out of the way. Nodding as he took a sip from his bottle of water, he felt a soft flipping motion in his stomach before using the hand in his hoodie pocket to soothe the hidden infants.

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