Chapter 1 (Awake and Aware)

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As her eyes fluttered open to the light of the sun, she felt as though she had slept for an eternity. When did she fall asleep? She couldn't recall. She only knew that it had been one of the best rests of her life. Stretching, she moved to sit up from her bed but noticed a pain in her body. Her body ached as it moved to a different position. She couldn't help but wince slightly as she instinctively reached a hand towards the greatest source of pain in her right leg.

Curiously she removed the sheets to notice that her leg was wrapped in bandages. In her arm she now noticed there was an Iv which was hooked up to what looked like a heart monitor. It barely made a sound as she watched the graph move up and down again to her own heart beat. She recalled now. She was sick. However she couldn't recall why or what had happened.

The sound of a carts wheels rang in her ears as a man pushing a trolly entered through the doorway of her room. On the trolly was all the necessary medical supplies he needed to treat her. On his cart were a few Iv's, a pair of gloves, a few syringes filled with vitamins, and a few other things.

She remembered him. His name was Belial. He was the head butler of this estate. He was entrusted with some of the most important tasks given by his master. He was good at his job. He put time and effort into a lot of his tasks. What was important for a butler like him, however, was to leave emotions out of the matter. It was easy for a demon like himself however even he had moments where his beliefs were challenged. It always kept him on his toes.

As he noticed her and her curious gaze, he immediately apologized for not realizing her consciousness sooner.

"It's alright." She told him. "Your Belial right?"

The older man looked on at her with a blank gaze. He wasn't sure how to react. His master didn't inform him that she would be waking up today. It seemed the king of time was to busy with other business. Which made the interaction all the more fear invoking. What if he were to say the wrong things to her? Things she wasn't supposed to know? He feared the kings wrath and what that would entail. Before he had been promoted he had watched many butlers before him fail at their positions and face the almighty wrath of the king. He knew all to well it was something no demon would want.

He needed to think over his word choice carefully. Who knows. The king could be watching this very minute.

"Yes. I am Belial. May I ask how you feel?"

Recalling her sore body and bandaged leg, she told him. "I'm doing fine." But she wasn't fine. So many questions popped into her head. Why was she in this bed? What happened to her leg? And why can't she recall?

"Do you know what happened to me? I don't remember." She asked him. She hoped he could give her some kind of answer.

Belial shifted to the question. It seemed hard to answer for him as he attempted to take out her Iv. He thought hard about what he should say but chose what his master would want him to say.

"You had an accident, Ms. L/n. You have been asleep for quite a while so my master tasked me with caring for you while he's away."

"Your master..." she said trailing off. Then she remembered. Mephisto Pheles. He was also known as the King of Time, Samael. He was Belial's master and he was also her lover. She recalled how much she loved him. Letting her stay with him and taking care of her. She remembered getting along with him and talking for hours.

She wanted to see him.

"Where is he? Can I see him? He's probably been worried about me." She told him.

Masks (A Mephisto Pheles/ Rin Okumura x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now