Chapter 3 (A Trip to Get Away) Part 1:

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He had left to retrieve a few things before their outing, leaving her time to change. With a smile she put on the clothing he had given her. She couldn't wait to get out of the room.

As a shirt she wore a light pink fall sweater like top. With it, he had given her a white frill skirt to match. It was a cute little outfit he had picked out for her. She noted how snug and perfect it fit over her figure. Happily she twirled in front of the white mirror within the room. The skirt fluttered as she moved. She thought she looked cute in the outfit.

"You like what I picked for you, darling?" He asked making her jump a little. He had found his way in without her noticing. It appeared that he had changed his clothing as well. Now he wore a light pink tshirt with a pair of white jeans. Tied around his waist was a black sweater he had brought along as a potential wind breaker. She smiled happily to her lovers presence. She felt a certain warmth whenever he was around. It was as though she was missing something in the core of her being when he was gone.

"Yes. I love the outfit. It fits me nicely as well." She told him looking again at her reflection in the mirror.

"I thought you would like it. All you need now is to fix that messy hair of yours as much as it is cute."

Playfully he tussled her hair causing her to look up at it now. He was right. It showed all the waves and mess caused by all the bed rest she had received. She laughed playing with it now. She was in desperate need of a hair do. Because of her excitement, she hadn't even noticed.

"I haven't even noticed my hair. Your right. I should go to a hair dresser." She laughed, playing with it some more. Mephisto couldn't help but hug her from behind. He loved a proper 'cute girl'. In the otaku world, they called the personality type 'moe'. He, being an otaku himself, knew all about the character type and found that he couldn't help but have an especially soft spot for girls who acted as such. Even her laugh was like a song to him. He couldn't help but hum to the sound of it. This made her blush.

"Your so cute~" He purred in her ear. He couldn't help but have a taste of her. Softly he nibbled on her collar bone. Her body reacted in an instant, giving him a quiet moan of approval. He thought about taking her right at this moment, removing the clothes he had hand picked for her. He wanted to see her underneath him, exposed and yearning for his touch.

He couldn't stop himself from caressing her thighs while moving ever so closer to her hips and behind. His want and need grew yet he resisted. 'Wait a little longer.' He thought. 'Not yet.'

"You're a good little thing." He said, nuzzling into her neck. "But I'll have to ravish you later. For now we should get your hair fixed."

With a snap of his fingers, her hair changed. As she could notice in the mirror it had become styled. It looked as though a hair dresser had done it to look the way it did. The waves caused by her pillow had now turned to curls that ran down her s/c skin. Her hair looked stunning in her opinion.

"My hair... it's so beautiful." She praised. This pleased him as he kissed her once more. He turned her to face him now and brushed the hair out of her face. Her e/c orbs stared back at him. She couldn't help but feel as though she was flying in the sky at this moment. Everything seemed right.

"Your highness," a voice interrupted. "Your vehicle has been prepared. It's ready for you now."

Both turning to the familiar voice, they noticed Belial. He bowed in the presence of his master, careful not to upset him but to appease him instead. He had come to get the two and show them to the limo that waited outside the home. It sat parked just outside the front doors, waiting to leave.

Mephisto smiled at her again. "Are you ready to leave?" He asked. She nodded. With that, the two made their way to the front doors. She clung to the arm he had offered her as they walked down the hall. Belial followed in suit being the driver of the limo and stayed quiet. If he were to speak, his master would be angry. One of his predecessors had died over that. 

Belial followed them out the front doors as they talked and laughed about many different things. Moving to the front of the group, Belial opened the door for them. He bowed again for his master as the two got in to pink limo. Inside the car was an even fancier inside. The car walls were decorated with a red and violet interior. The seats were velvet, and a softer fabric at that, and on the roof were a pair of soft lights for dark drives. Off to the right she noticed there was even a snack and drink bar. She was almost tempted to snack on some of the junk food stuffed in cups on the surface of the bar.

They sat in the back of the car, sharing a couch like seat. She couldn't help but run her hand on the fabric, feeling it's soft surface. Belial closed the door resuming his job as driver of the limo. With not a second to waste he got into the drivers seat and started the engine of the vehicle.

"So~" Mephisto began. "Where would you like to go?"

Y/n had to think about it. Honestly she wasn't sure and it showed very obviously on her face. Her concentration on the subject made a notably cute expression on her face. It made him pull her body closer to his body. All he wanted to do was be close to her in moments like this. He couldn't help himself. She was like a fresh pastry to him. Irresistible.

"To be honest, I'm not really sure where I want to go. I never thought about that." She admitted, blushing as she looked away from him. The embarrassment of not knowing made her face flush.

"Poor thing." He teased as he traced patterns on her body. "Should I help you with this too?"

She laughed and nuzzled into his warm body. She agreed. She was fine with anything he would suggest. She felt content just to be with him.

"Why don't we start by getting you some new clothes? You didn't bring much when you moved in." He suggested.

She thought it was a good idea. She felt a certain excitement over being able to get new things. With the destination now set, all that was left was telling the driver. On the arm rest of the car door was a small red button. It was the button for a speaker like device that allowed communication with the driver. Pressing the button, Mephisto told Belial to take them to the True Cross District Mall. It was the best place to go for clothing stores in the area.

"As you wish, sir." Belial boomed over the hidden speakers within the limo. The hidden speakers were normally used to listen to the local radio stations. Now they served a duel purpose with a requested upgrade or two.

With that, they were on their way. A radio station began to play over the speakers as the limo began to move. She was excited to go on a trip to get away.

Masks (A Mephisto Pheles/ Rin Okumura x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now