Chapter 19 (A Gate to Understanding)

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Y/n's eyes fluttered open to the soft rays of the morning sunlight. Stretching her body, she let out a soft yawn. She had gotten what seemed like a great nights sleep. She was energetic and ready to start the day. She felt well rested and refreshed. Her good mood made her seem unstoppable as she adjusted her position under the bedsheets. It caused her to completely forget about the turmoil brought upon by the days before.

It was almost to quick of a recovery. Yet, that wasn't something she thought about.

Still laying beside her in her bed was Mephisto. He had been waiting patiently for his lover to wake. When she finally came back to her conscious state, stretching out and giving a small yawn, he was more than pleased. Being away from her was something he couldn't stand. It was this certain possessiveness that was so foreign to him, yet, refreshing all the same.

He nuzzled into the crook of her neck making her face light up with happiness. He, to, smiled to the touch. He felt a certain safety in that smile. The way she would light up to his presence always took off any edge he felt. It made him forget his troubles if only for a moment. It made him forget his pain.

"Y/n darling. You're finally awake. I felt like I've been waiting for an eternity." He told her, lovingly running his fingers through her hair. She giggled staring at his sheepish expression. It reminded her of a pouting toddler. She felt it had a certain cute appeal. Smiling, she played along by pulling his body closer to her own.

"Were you? I'm sorry. Didn't mean to make you wait." She told him. Still nuzzling into her neck, he took in a portion of her scent. It was like a drug to him. One sniff sent him on a high of ecstasy. It could almost be described as a necessity to him. Suddenly, at that moment, his brothers words repeated in his mind. It told him to make the right decision.

Mephisto could only guess what his brother meant by that. Did his brother regret having his human lover? Was the right decision to leave the mortal and ditch an eternity of mourning? He couldn't find any bone in his body that would convince himself to leave her. More than anything he wanted to stay with her forever. He wanted an eternity with her instead.

He froze in his thoughts at the moment of realization. He could have it. He was the king of time. Unlike his younger brother he could simply manipulate y/n's life span. With his power he could make her live forever as the way she was now. He could spend his eternity with her. However, with such a power always came consequences. She wouldn't age any further so she would outlive any friends and family. Also, there was the worst consequence of them all. If something were to happen and he would have to abandon his vessel, his magic would undo in that instant. She would age all at once and perish.

These were all risks he was willing to take. However, he still had yet to know y/n's point of view. He wanted to give her a choice this time. She was his lover. She had a right to make such a drastic final decision as well.

"Is something the matter?" Y/n asked snapping him from his thoughts. He had went completely silent and what looked like a scowl plastered itself on his face. He smiled down at her, kissing her hand lovingly. He didn't mean to worry her.

"I'm sorry, darling. Everything is fine." He assured her in a soft spoken voice. She smiled with warmth back at him. That smile made everything worth so much more. It only made him want to ask her that dire question even more. How could he go on without that loving gaze? But, he couldn't ask her quite yet. He needed the perfect time and place. He wanted to ensure a yes and building the opportunity and timing was key.  

With a seriousness on his face, he stroked her hand. She could tell he had something to say so she listened intently to every word.

"Y/n, I want to ask you something. Something important. Not at this moment but tonight, after all the events of the day are done." He told her. She answered him with a soft "ok" but Y/n couldn't help but feel a certain curiosity towards it all. What could he possibly want to tell her? What was so important? It seemed she would need to wait to find out.

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