Chapter 2 (Reunion)

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She opened her eyes to find herself in a dark void. Nothing seemed to exist here. Only darkness. She tried to call out to the empty but to no avail. There was no sign of life in this empty place.

Until suddenly there was.

There he stood. Mephisto Pheles. His face seemed contorted to that of someone purely insane. He seemed to be glaring down at a silhouette of someone else. They cowered to the sight of him.

"You. You think you can get away with anything using that pretty little face of yours, don't you? Watching you loving him more than me makes me sick. You know what I have to do now? Bad little girls get what they deserve!" He hissed as he dragged the silhouette off into the empty. They kicked, screamed. They did everything they could in attempt to escape but only vanished into the darkness.

It was empty again. And then it wasn't.

She heard his voice.


"Y/n." He whispered. Her eyes snapped open from the bizarre dream. It seemed while she was waiting for him, she had fallen asleep. She couldn't help but wonder what the strange dream meant. That was a thought for later. Now, he sat on her bed side with a warm smile. She smiled back.

"I missed you." She told him. A smile never leaving her lips. With a soft expression he held her hand. He stroked it lovingly.

"Oh I know darling. My meetings go on forever don't they? How do you feel?" He asked her, expectant of the right answer.

"I feel good now." She told him, then recalling what she wanted to ask him. "Do you recall what my accident was? I don't remember."

He was quick to give an excuse. 'A little lie won't hurt' he thought. 'It's for the best'.

"You fell down some stairs. You bumped your head quite nastily." He explained now moving his hand to feel her forehead. Underneath her hair still remained a dark bruise. He frowned at this. He looked sheepishly at the mark, which became noticeable to her. She thought it was cute as she sat up to give him a soft kiss on his lips. 'He was worried about me' she thought.

"I'm fine now." She reassured him. This made him smile again. That soft warm glow returned to his face once more.

"Yes, everything is fine now, isn't it?" He assured himself as he brushed the hair out of her eyes. With not a word more, he got into the bed with her and held her close to him. His embrace was warm. She found herself burying her face into his chest. With half lidded eyes he stroked her head until she fell asleep again in his arms. She was still weak after all. This made him frown as he closed his eyes, still holding her close.

It was difficult for him to comprehend how something so small could make him feel so strongly. It seemed for thousands of years he had gone on without these powerful emotions. But now it all changed because of her. He felt as though he would do anything just to have her. He would sacrifice his home, his precious Assiah, and even himself. The things he did to have her already outstretched anything he ever did for a single human.

His behaviour even baffled Belial, the butler who had served under him for thousands of years. As he walked past the room and watched on to the kings odd behaviour, he couldn't help but wonder what had changed in the demons spirit and especially in his beating heart. Had he reunited with a piece of humanity inside his vessel or was this a new piece of himself?

As Belial wandered off, he couldn't help but ponder the thought.

The night had come and left leaving time for the next morning to arrive. With squeaking wheels, Belial pushed the loud meal cart down the long carpeted hallway. On it sat a silver platter with a freshly cooked breakfast for y/n and for his master. The night had been full of unexpected surprises for the butler. His master had not only stayed in the room all night with y/n, but he had also slept more than the one hour of sleep he would normally sleep during the night.

It wasn't to pleasant for the butler to not only find the demon had woken up in a grouchy mood, but had also wanted food prepared faster than time would allow. Belial hoped his master would spare him once again of his wrath over the meal. He had destroyed butlers over less in the past. He preferred to not be in the crossfire like the butlers before him.

As he made his way into the room, he found that the masters mood had significantly improved. Y/n was awake now and laughed from underneath him. Mephisto hovered overtop of her, leaning down to touch foreheads with her. They both purred to the touch as they nuzzled into each other. The king hummed to the embrace of his lover until he noticed the presence of his butler.

Mephisto let her sit up from their cuddle, now sitting on the edge of the bed. He watched her do the same worried that she might still be to weak to do so on her own. She seemed to manage it well as she moved beside him on the beds side. The smell of the American style breakfast made her mouth water. The smell and taste of eggs and bacon were something she didn't know she could miss.

"It smells so good!" She insisted as she moved to see the meal better. Steam rose from the plate signifying it was still hot.

"Thank you, Belial. I can handle things from here." Mephisto said as he snapped his fingers. Immediately a fancy dining table with cloth and even candles for decor appeared in the middle of the room. She marvelled at his power.

With a bow, Belial left the two alone to eat. The time king didn't waste any time treating her like a goddess. Worried she might be to weak, he carried her to the table and with a clap the meals had moved from the trolly to the plates he had set up. The two began to eat. However, y/n struggled. Her hands shook from the lack of food she hadn't received in the last 24 hours. She struggled just to hold a fork without a wobble.

He looked on at her with concern as she ate. It seemed apparent that she needed help.

"Darling, your shaking." He said. Immediately she grabbed hold of her hand. Her hand was still now with the help of her second hand. Not wanting to be a bother, she gave him a smile.

"I'm fine." She said as she continued to eat. The king couldn't stand it. It hurt to watch her try.

"Let me help you." He said as he moved closer. He, in turn, cut the food for her and fed her himself. She let him do so willingly finding that perhaps she might've been to weak after all to eat it herself. Once they were finished he placed her on his lap. Using a napkin from the table he whipped her face clean of crumbs.

She thanked him and gave him a loving hug. He laughed and gave her a kiss, afterwards stroking her cheek.

"I've cleared my schedule today. We can do whatever you desire." He told her. Her face lit up. She'd love to get out of the room. But to do what? She thought about it and then responded.

"We should leave the manor and go out somewhere!" She exclaimed. He smiled and thought about it. There were risks on taking her out. People would see her. They might see her. They might wonder about her and get ideas. However, the thought of leaving made her excited. Perhaps he would allow it today. He was in a good mood.

"Alright. We'll go out today. I'll have to fetch a few things first. Wait here for me." He told her kissing her forehead. "Oh yes and here's some proper clothes for you to wear. You can change into these while I'm gone. I'll return right away." And with that and handing her neatly folded clothing he left.

She smiled with a certain excitement to the thought of leaving on a trip with her lover. She rushed with enthusiasm to put on her new clothes. She couldn't wait. She was excited to find out where they would go and what sights they would see.

'He's so kind to me' she thought. 'What would I do without him?'

Masks (A Mephisto Pheles/ Rin Okumura x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now