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Y'all gonna like this one, also, be sure you read book one before checking in on this book.

Comment, vote and share y'all cause the more active y'all are in this book, the faster I'll update and finish it so that book three can start.

Without further a do, here we go...

[ M I K A Y L A ]
I was shocked and in utter disbelief.

She jumped.

Mere actually killed herself.

A thousand emotions went through me as I didn't know what to feel.

Should I be sad?

Or relieved?

Or happy?

I really don't know, but I was basically just a mixture of emotions.

Eventually, a team of paremedics walked in to collect Mere's body and all that. They wanted me to head over to the police department to be asked questions since I was the only person actually there when she did kill herself but I asked that I was given a moment.

After they railed her out of the room, I began to walk around.

My heart drops when I see my Notebook on her desk, as well as my slides from whenever she chased me in the store that one time.

I collect both and rush out of the room and out of the house, never wanting to come into it or be near it again.

The ambulance was just driving away, a police car and Connor and Jace's cars pulling up in the driveway. Jace and Connor run towards me, Jace of course getting to me first and taking me in his embrace. "Are you alright?"

I really didn't have a response.

Was I?

I only nod and Connor gives me a worried look, probably from the expression I currently withheld. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Still not finding it in me to respond, I only nod and am soon approached by two female officers. "Hello. Mikayla, I presume?" The darker toned one began.

I nod.

"Would you mind if we ask you a few questions down at the station?" The other blonde asks.

I sigh and nod. "That's fine."

I give Jace and Connor quick hugs before going with the two officers down to the station.

"Do you want anything? Maybe coffee or a doughnut or something?" The darker one, known as Ms. Mable asks.

"Water is fine," I say, still looking down at my lap.

The blonde, Ms. Heidi hands me the water before sitting beside Ms. Mable in front of me. "Mere Xander. Friend of yours, right?"

I nod, fiddling with the cup in my hands.

"Mind telling us how the two of you met?"

I nod and began to tell the story. "My mom had asked that I take over her shift at her bakery a few months back. While I was working there, Mere sat all alone at a booth in the corner and I noticed how she didn't do anything or order anything for hours. So that's how I bought her breakfast and we became friends from there.

"She was involved in everything I did. We always sat together in class and during lunch. I made sure she participated in all the activities I did with my friends. I even forced my friends to except her."

"Why is that?" Ms. Mable questions.

I look up at her. "My boyfriend and his best friend never liked her at first. By including her in everything, I made sure they eventually did." I shake my head. "She was just so kind and happy all the time that I was blindsided by her kindness and didn't even realize the hate she had for me and my boyfriend. I honestly thought she was my friend. Mere even joined the club one of my friends organized at school to catch the stalker. Yet we didn't even realize she was with us the whole time."

Ms. Mable handed me a box of tissues which was the moment I realized that I was quietly shedding tears. "I know this is a hard topic to discuss, sweetheart."

"But we need your input so that we can stop other cyber bullies," says Ms. Heidi and I nod as I wiped away the tears.

"Do you know why Miss Xander did what she did?"

I clear my throat before responding, "In her live video, she said that my boyfriend had slept with her once and from that day never returned her texts or calls or even looked at her once. So when she saw me and Jace start getting closer, she began to harass me so that she could have him back."

They continued throwing questions and eventually I was free to go. My whole family was at the station, even baby Leif.

They all looked scared but I could tell from the way they looked at me when I came out that they were happy I was alright.

A week later...
It's been awhile since everything happened. At school, life was different. It was like when I got shot all over again.

But this time, it was full of hugs and remorse and lots of chocolate which Jace enjoyed.

Otherwise, I was happy that life returned to the way it used to be.

We graduated and are happier than ever with secured scholarships. Jace sadly is still going to Lei to study but I let him know that I'm always gonna be here to support him no matter what.

My school semester starts a month before Jace's so we have a short time to hang out before he leaves.

I secure on my heels and grab my bag before heading out of the house and into Jace's car. "Hey chica."

"Hi," I smile and peck his cheek before he drives off.

I open my bag and pull out my Notebook, skimming through to see if anything had changed or if she wrote something in it.

Towards the middle of the book, a paper flipped out. I grab it and unfold it. It read:

Mikayla, I put you through hell and I'm a terrible person. That I know.

All you ever did was accept me when no one else ever did and I took advantage of your kindness and still stayed with my evil intentions and my selfishness ruled as all I wanted was for me and Jace to be something.

Yet I looked passed it.

I looked passed the fact that you make Jace happy. You're his happiness.

I was just one of those people that he got what he wanted from and left, yet I still craved more.

I still wanted more and yet I couldn't see that I couldn't have it.

I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I'm sorry for being this horrible and evil person that wanted what I didn't deserve. Instead I tortured innocent people who didn't deserve to suffer.

I'm sorry.

- Xander, Mere

"I wish she knew ahead of time," I whisper.

"You wish she knew what?" Jace looks at me briefly before looking back at the road.

I sigh. "I wish she knew she could've stopped herself. She could've prevented all of this from happening."

I would've been able to change her.

Hope y'all liked the first chapter. Boring, I know but this story is yet to get interesting.

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