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*A/N: Don't forget to vote and Comment guys!!!!*

I woke up to a bland, yellow ceiling. I got up in a rush but a swift hand reached about my shoulder and placed me back on my back. I winced in pain as his warm hands touched my shoulder wound. “The Queen…” I whispered. Thor dropped his head as I saw a tear escape his eyes. He wouldn’t look me in the eye. Neither would the nurses. I closed my eyes shut as I didn’t want the tears to fall down but when I opened them they came right through. She was gone. There was something I could do about it but I didn’t. I had failed. I looked around me and I saw everyone’s soul gone with her. I looked over at Thor who looked broken and beaten down. “I failed.” I whispered to myself softly as I got up. The pain drove through me but I deserved it. I let my queen die because I wasn’t capable enough to take over from my father. I had failed him, The queen, The all father, and Asgard as a whole. I let another tear fall as I thought about Frigga and how she was there by my side. To teach about the ways of woman that only a mother could teach. My soul job was to protect the Asgardian gates and the royal palace. I had failed to do just that.
“Do not blame yourself. You did all you could Y/N. The people are safe because of you.” Thor says remorsefully. He doesn’t look up at me. I know he cannot look me in the eyes because he knows that I have failed.
“Hm.” I chuckled, “Then why do your eyes not meet mine?” I asked. Thor looked up at me to reveal his eyes bloodshot with anger, fear and sorrow. My face dropped as he walked closer and sat down next to me.
“You know not how much guilt I carry upon my shoulders. They were here for the aether. I brought it here, on Asgard. If it wasn’t for Jane, it wouldn’t have been here. Mother protected the aether and Jane by…” he paused. A tear escaped his eyes. “By giving her life, for hers.”
That was it. I let my tears fall. She was gone and I couldn’t do anything about it now. Thor got up and swiftly took me into his arms. I cried and cried and I couldn’t believe that the only person I loved more than any other, was gone. Thor shed some tears as well. I kept wincing as the pain drove through me every time I took in a breath. I saw Jane peering in through the door. I wiped my tears as I Thor released his grip on me. I looked at her, enraged. As much as I blamed myself for the ruins of Asgard, I blamed her as well. I placed my feet on the cold, heard floor and stared at her as she walked in. Her eyes were pitch black now; signs of the aether taking over her body. “Y/N.” I heard Thor whisper as his hand grabbed mine. I winced in pain as his fingers brushed past my wound. Jane entered, stumbling, she was not alright. I could see that her cheeks were sunken and her eyes had dark circles under them. “I am so, so sorry Y/N.” She whispered as she stepped closer. “Thor’s mother saved my life. But I am still dying.” She pleaded.
“And what am I to do with that, you mewling quim?” I hissed.
“We are going to destroy them. We need to destroy the aether and then destroy the dark elves altogether.” Thor piped in, his voice deepened with anger. “They killed my mother. I shall destroy their entire being.”
“How?” I chuckled sarcastically through the tears still stinging in my eyes
“We are going to go there. Take the aether to them.”
“What?” Jane asked, whisking her head towards Thor.
“You are going to go to Salveinheim, commit treason, and give the dark elves the one thing Frigga was protecting? You are going to defy the all father?” I stepped closer to Thor, my voice growing cold and harsh. Thor nodded. “And may I ask why the all father would even let you take Jane to Salveinheim. You are not even supposed to see her! How are you supposed to get out of here without being witnessed? Have you really thought this through? Are you to let her die?!”
“You’re gonna let me die?” Jane asked her voice cracking.
“No. I would never let that happen.” Thor said taking her into her embrace. “I will tell you everything but we need Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg and Sif.”  I mentally rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms and stood with my feet apart. A nurse took Jane away as I was excused from the healing room. We slowly walked towards a solitary chamber that was somewhat destroyed in the battle. I looked across the Chambers and nobody was there except me and Thor. After a while Volstagg and Hogun appeared, looking past their shoulders. I nodded as they came in and they did the same. Volstagg shot a look towards Thor and Thor nodded. Soon after a while Sif came in and soon Fandral followed. All of them were wounded. The all had new scars to show and I couldn’t help but feel guilty about it. They all took their seats as Thor slowly took his. “I am truly sorry.” I said, breaking the silence.
“Sorry? For what?” Volstagg asked.
“For this. And this.” I said pointing out their wounds and pointing to Frigga’s painting in the background.
“Y/N you must understand that this was not your fault.” Sif told me, giving me a weak smile. I gave her one back. She took my hand in hers to comfort me.
“It’s true. But we have different matters at hand.” Thor interrupted, “We have to take the aether to the dark elves. And I need your help”
“What? Why?” Fandral asked, “Can’t we just take it out of her?”
“No we cannot. If we try it hurts us or we hurt Jane. Either way someone gets hurt. Instead, I take her to Salveinheim, where Malekeith can take it from her and I will destroy it before it reaches even to his fingers.”
“Even if you do, you will not have enough time to get out of there alive.” Hogun pitched in
“How are you even going to reach Salveinheim?” I asked. Thor’s eyes moved across mine as watched Sif and the others avoid my gaze. I saw a glint in his eyes. The only person who knows their way in and out of the realm without using the bifrost was Loki. That was his plan all along. Thor was going to break Loki out of prison so that he could help him get to Salveinheim and then probably put him back where he as. My heart filled with sorrow, fear and anger at the same time. “No.” I said finally breaking the silence. “You are not going to take Loki with you. You shall not include him in this menace.”
“Do you expect Loki to be safe in Asgard after Mother has died?!?” Thor boomed, others flinched. “He will be in a battle with his own mind. You know this better than anyone Y/N.” It was true. I knew that Frigga’s death would be hard for him. I didn’t want him to go through it alone. I wanted to be there with him.
“Then I shall come with you.”
“You are wounded.”
“If Loki goes… I go.”
“He trusts me. And for a fact I don’t want him to be by himself in at this time.”
“Fine. As you wish.” Thor finished. “Sif, you shall fetch Jane once we have Loki with us.”
“Can you trust him?” Volstagg asked Thor
“I do.” I replied. Thor smirked.
“Hogun and Volstagg you shall accompany me to steal the Asgardian Vault ship. Fandral… Come with me” Thor said as the both of them stood up. I watched them leave and Sif passed me another one of her weak smiles. Thor ducked back into the chambers, “Y/N? Let’s go.”

We walked through the broken and beaten down grounds of Asgard as we ducked from the prison guards. My wound was still sending me pain but I could ignore it. Shawls covered some of our wounds but the ones on my face were like a line on stone. The black fur on my shawl gave me comfort but I felt the need to clutch it and cry. We walked through the depressing prison hallways which were now sort of destroyed. Some of the cells were still intact but all the others were being repaired. The remaining prisoners are either dead or wounded or they had surrendered. My stomach churned. I didn’t want any of this for Loki. I watched Thor step in front of Loki’s cell as I watched from behind. Something was wrong. I knew it. That wasn’t him pacing around. “Thor. After all this time you finally come to visit me,” Loki turned to face him. “Why?” he hissed, “Have you come to mock?”
“Enough with the illusions Loki.” Thor told him. Loki’s eyes widened as he lowered his head and a green wave overtook the glass of the cell. That revealed a beaten down Loki. His hair frazzled and his armor gone. The furniture in the cell was destroyed and his eyes looked swollen and his cheeks sunken. I stepped a little forward as my eyes stung with tears.
“Now you see me, brother.” He said softly.
“We need your help.” Thor told him again
Loki chuckled, “You must be truly desperate to come to me for help.”
“I am.”
“Do you trust me?”
“I don’t really. You’ve killed people. You tried to kill me. You tried to kill father.”
“Did you not think of this when you told Y/N that you forgave me? Or did you just do that to preserve her feelings?”
“I don’t care what he told me,” I said softly, stepping into Loki’s sight, “But I do still trust you.” I stepped forward and placed my hand on the cell glass. Loki stood to his feet stumbling. He made his way to me and dropped his head. I smiled at him. I looked over my shoulder to Thor, “Give us a moment.” I told him.
“Y/N…”  He started.
“We will be right out. Wait for us.” I told him. Thor looked towards Loki and nodded towards me and then left. The cell door hissed as it opened. Loki didn’t waste any time and fell into my embrace. I let a few tears slip against him, “I’m sorry.” I kept saying. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. I wrapped my hands around his torso as he held to mine. He tightened his grip and my body tensed with the sudden pain. Loki felt it and looked at me with concern. He went towards my abdomen where I had felt the sword go through me. He touched my armor and I flinched. He pulled me closer and rested his forehead onto mine as his cold hands went to my wound. Pain surged throughout my body as his fingers traced my wound slowly. I opened my eyes and I stared at his green eyes gleaming towards his hand now dropped beside his waist. I pulled him closer by cupping his cheeks and gave him a gentle kiss. His hands went back towards my waist and then to my back. He pulled me in and deepened the kiss. “Your mother...” I said as I pulled away.
“I know. They hurt you.” He said softly, as his hands traced back towards my face. “They hurt you. They killed Mother.” His eyes were filled with tears.
“We need to fix this, Loki. We cannot get through this without you.” I paused, cupping his cheeks and placing my forehead on his. “I love you so much.” I whispered, mostly to myself. My hands went up to entwine with his hair, “Please help us.”
Loki grinned and chuckled, “When do we start?”

Ooh... What now? Thank you for almost 7k reads! I love that so much. I'm going to post a part real soon. Follow my instagram @imaginesloki for more short stories!!

Stay Loving, Stay Loki

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