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*A/N: VOTE AND COMMENT!!! Its an extra long chapter as an apology for my inactivity on my Instagram @imaginesloki *


I watched her breaths fall heavily on my chest. I stroked her soft hair as she smiled. It had been so long since we had our own moment. We sat there all day long when we were kids. She seemed so peaceful, because she is. I knew what I had done was wrong and I knew I had hurt Y/N terribly. She did tell me that she has forgiven me but what I had done to her was unforgivable. I knew that dying in front of her, in her lap, was a little too cold. But I did what I needed to. There was still a dark force that drove me and I wanted the power, just once. I wanted to see what it felt like. I was going to bring Odin back eventually. I just hoped he lived that long. I couldn't keep drawing power from the dark realms. I knew who it was affiliated with. I didn't want him to know about me. I knew it would bring danger to my realm. I didn't want jeopardize Y/N's safety either. I needed to tell her everything. I knew I kept a lot hidden from her but I didn't want to. I needed to. But I couldn't let her rest when I knew I brought this upon her. I didn't want him to get to her first. She was stronger than me in so many ways. "Y/N?" I finally broke the silence. "I need to tell you something."

She sat up and furrowed her eyebrows, "What is it?" she asked. I knew she was going to angry or at the least worried. I smiled and hugged her tighter.

"I –"

There was a loud noise that came from the bifrost. It seemed as something had happened or someone was hurt. Y/N got up hurriedly and I got my horse as fast as possible. We both got on it and rode along the rainbow bridge. We got to Heimdall's observatory and found Skurge with his sword out. I quickly transformed into Odin before entering and walked in behind Y/N "What was that?" I asked. Y/N looked at me and I followed her gaze down to the floor. On it, lay a beautiful woman. She seemed to be unconscious. I gestured for Skurge to put down his weapon, and I stepped closer. She looked battered. I held her arm to the light, her skin ghostly in the evening glow. The worst of the bruises are her grip marks. There was a cut above her left eye, the blood already browns and dried. I tried to assume what must've happened, but nothing comes to my head. Suddenly she opened her eyes and Y/N rushed to my side. The woman's eyes showed immense pain and distress. I didn't know why I wanted to trust this woman. Her blue eyes seemed to put Skurge in a trans. She was rather beautiful. "I ­– I think we know her." Y/N whispered.

"What?" I couldn't remember her. But I still felt like I have seen her somewhere.

"Stop them..." The woman quivered. I stepped back in a rush and gripped my staff. I looked out to the bifrost but I couldn't see anything. There was something out there that this woman was scared of. I looked closely and saw a ship. I held my staff and blasted the ship, mid- air. I knew that was not their last attempt. I looked back and there were creatures jumping out of the burning space ship. They screeched as they bore their deaths to the fire our soldiers threw to them. But they still kept coming. The woman lay on the ground when a hideous creature lay hands on her but Y/N got up and drove her sword through the creature. She turned back to me and smiled. She knelt back down next to the woman and tried checking her pulse, "She dying." She said. I levitated her through the menace, now that I could see that the ship was completely destroyed and no alien creature came forth. I Put her upon my horse and got on it. "Take her to the healers. I shall meet you there." Y/N said. I nodded and the horse sped along the bridge. The woman was opening her eyes to setting sun and her blue eyes gleamed. She smiled and I grew uncomfortable for some reason. I didn't want to touch her for any reason but I wanted to read her mind.

I shook the thought out of my head and reached the healers. "This woman!" Odin's voice boomed when it didn't need to. "She needs attention. She is hurt." I said, placing her levitating body on to a table. Healers rushed to her aid and I turned around to leave. I heard a swift murmur from the woman. I turned around and she held out her hand. I stepped closer to her and looked past her bruises.

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