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I drive as fast as I can. Who knows how far they are behind me. I see a cab waiting on a corner, looking for a passenger to take somewhere.
I slam my foot on the brake and fiddle for the keys. I pull them out of the slot and open the door as quick as possible. I lock the car then run up to the cab.
"Where can I take you darlin'?" Says the cabbie as I hurry into the car And slam the cab door shut.
"Um.... Heathrow airport please!" I stutter but choose the first place that came to mind.
We drive off and soon arrive at the airport. All I can think of is, I need to get away from here. I did nothing, I haven't done anything. Why would i do that? I wouldn't that's why. I loved her she was my friend. I can't think of what did happen though...... What happened to her? I NEED TO KNOW, I NEED TO FIND OUT.
We pull up at the airport and I throw a £10 note at the cab driver.
"Thank you, you can keep the change" I say as i run out into the airport.
"God bless you darlin' " says the cabbie as he drives off.
I slow down my pace as I walk up to the front desk.
"Hello how can i help you?" The lady at the front desk smiles at me, I look down at her and observe her. She wears a blue neat body-fit dress with a cotton texture. She wears a bronze metal badge which reads 'Susana', this must be her name.
"Er yes Hello, I just thought about going on a surprise trip to someplace, one of my friends recommended it to me and I thought it would be a good idea, so what is your most resent flight?" I say making up a story, I want to seem as normal as possible, I need to get out of England as fast as possible.
She looks down at her computer screen and seems to spot something.
"Er.......aha yes we have a flight to Busan, South Korea in 45 minutes, is that Ok? I think you will only have just enough time to go through security?" Her eyes move from the screen to my face.
"Yes, that's perfect! Korean is actually one of the language I actually speak. how much will it be?" I say getting my credit card out. Oh wait they'll be able to track exactly where I used it and what I used it for.
I see that I have £128 in cash. Maybe this will be enough.
"Em.....oh I see it's £100 exactly" she says smiling again.
OMG YES I CAN ESCAPE!!! Although I'll only have £28 left, oh well I'll cross that bridge when it comes.
I hand over my money and passport.
"Ok yup that seems to be you in the photo, you are very beautiful, and thank you here's your ticket and have a great flight!" She says with a smile as I grab my ticket and walk at a quick pace for security.
I find it and quickly I get through, my small bag only contained, one set of spare clothes, my phone, headphone, my purse and a photograph of me and her.....my best friend. We were younger then only 16 and we knew that we'd be friends forever. Little did we know that she'd be murdered at the age of only 20 and I'd be accused for it.
I only just see the sign in the distance saying 'Last boarding for flight BF23 for Busan, South Korea'. My heart stops. Oh shit I need to run. I've had a lot of this today, but this should be the last time. I just need to get out of here. 
I then run towards the gate and get on the plane in time.
I walk into the plane and find my seat. Oh Yes, I have a window seat. I see that an old lady sits next to me. She starts to narrate me about her knitting. Appearntly her granddaughter is about to have a baby, and she's making a woollen hat for it. Oh the wonderful things strangers get up to.
Anyway I'm about to leave the country, I am about to leave my home. The place where I grow up, the place where I meet my best friend, where we grew up together, where.....I lost my best friend. Goodbye England, you were the best and the worse place I've ever been. I'll be safe.
I feel the engine start, and the plane starts to move. The horizon changes to diagonal and I am in the air.
A tear falls from my eye. My life has changed.......forever. 

*Hey guys, yes I have started another ff, yay! This one will probably be less frequent than my other one but I'll still try and upload. Also on that note go and read my other ff please, Love ya;)*

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