call me (vegeta x goku songfic)

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"you cant hide from me forever!" I screamed. The echo rang throughout the cave we got stuck in.

----------------Call me a sinner-------------------

After letting babidi inside my mind the drinks boost also boosted my cockiness. I was basically a god.

---------------Call me a saint---------------------

then he let out a blood curdling cry. We rushed to meet each other. His eyes widened when our noses touched.

----------Tell me you'll still love me the same---

" please Vegeta please stop think of us and the kids!"
My head twitched.
" listen here Kakarot there isn't going to be an us after this I'm tired of being second rate! I'm tired of you being here! I'm tired of all of it! I want to be number one! I am number one now!"

------------its all that I can say-----------------

" Vegeta worry I won't  be here anymore we were going to have a another kid but I guess that won't happen so I'll be on my way"

--------------So I'll be on my way-----------------

The end

Update omg

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