thinking about a jerk like him

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2:34 pm

"Cyrus, what's wrong with you lately?"

I had left the park a while ago, and came home thinking my mom would still be at work, or at least just not here.

"Mom, I'm really fine."

"The school called, you skipped half your classes today!"

oops. Perfect attendance, and this is how they repay me? Back stabbers.

"How'd they- I've had PERFECT attendance all year-!" I was frustrated enough, I didn't even stop to think if they would call home.

"They called me Cyrus, and I came straight home."

"Great." I replied with sarcasm.

"Honey, I need you to tell me what's bothering you. You haven't been the same."

I haven't been the same. I know, but how can be the same if I'm so different.

"I'm just having a bAd daY mom." I roll my eyes, without fully intending to.

"Cyrus, I get you're having a bad day. But this has been going on for weeks!"

I looked at her eyes, they were gentle and worried, but part of me couldn't care right now.

"I said I'm fine, mom!" I snapped at her.

Gosh. I yelled at my mom. My own mother who cared for me more than anything in the world. I yelled at my mom, for who only wanted to help me. But there wasn't anything she could possibly do to help me even the slightest. I am alone.

"Now leave me alone." I quickly added before half running up to my room.

Dang, how can Tj do this, running and athlete stuff. It's gross and sweaty and tiring.

Wait. Did I just think about Tj Kippen? I could've thought about Buffy, but I thought about him.
Gross, I must really be sick thinking about a jerk like him.

3:36 pm

I heard a knock at my bedroom door, expecting it to be my mom I quickly yelled "go away, I want to be alone!"

"Cyrus, it's us." Said a familiar voice behind the door.

"Buffy?" I said back.

"And Andi!"

I sighed. "Come in?"

Shortly after I heard the knob turn, and the sound of the door closing followed behind it. I looked up from my book as they jump on the bed, siting on either side of me.

"Why did you leave school?" Andi questioned with worry in her eyes.

"I wasn't feeling well." I followed Tj's advice.

Dang it, there it is again. Tj's name being mentioned in my own mind, my thoughts. This is weird.

Why do they even care.

"We were worried, that's all." Buffy replied, answer the question that I didn't even ask out loud.

"It's fine, I'm feeling better now." I tried to lie, I really did. But they can see right through me.

They exchanged a look that I assumed only they could read, because I had no idea what they were saying.

oh, I really hate being the center of attention like this.

"Cyrus, are you sure?" Buffy reached out and placed her hand on top of mine.

"Yes. I'm completely fine, it was just a little bump in the road but- I'm fine now."

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