🖤Don't Make Wishes Kacchan🖤

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(a/n: holy shit okay. i haven't been on this account for so long and i didn't realise that people still read my books that i wrote when i was 12 or something. so uh- thanks i guess lmao. i fell out of the fandom so i probably won't update this ever again, but nevertheless, enjoy this collection of shitty oneshots!)

Bakugo wished for a lot of things. To be the number one hero and to completely CRUSH that bug, Deku. He also, at one point, wished that Deku was dead.

Midoriya wished for a lot of things. To be the number one hero. To be just like his hero, All Might. He also wished for one other thing, for Kacchan to be his friend.

Midoriya decided to take Bakugo's advice, he was going to take a swan dive off of the roof and pray he got a quirk in his next life.

The breeze was gentle that night, the stars glistened on the tips of Midoriya's hair. The moon was crescent in the night sky. It was clear down there too, except from the occasional car and the certain person from time to time.

Midoriya removed his shoes and climbed up onto the ledge. Then a flicker of blonde hair crept behind him. Instead of jumping just yet, the greenette turned to face the blonde who had told him to do this.

Bakugo sighed, he chose his next moves carefully. Midoriya wanted to torture Kacchan by making his death even more painful for him. But, Kacchan wouldn't care if he jumped.

Bakugo did care.

Though, the blonde stuffed his hands into his pockets and acted like this was no big deal, really, he was shaking. The greenette was going to jump. Bakugo thought to himself that he might just have enough time to convince him not to...

"De- Izuku, please-," Bakugo was stopped halfway in his sentence by some muffled crying. "Izuku, don-." He was stopped by Izuku shouting.


Bakugo moved closer towards Izuku. "DON'T, don't come, don't come any closer, Bakugo." Midoriya hissed Bakugou's name like it was venom on his tounge.

"Tch, I won't." Bakugo threw his hands up in defence. "I-I don't mean the things I say, okay, I-I don't even know why I say them in the first place..."

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT!" Midoriya spat at him with all his force. "I KNOW YOU'RE ONLY SAYING THIS SO I DON'T JUMP, THEN THAT WAY YOU WON'T HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE GUILT. KNOWING THAT YOU'RE THE REASON I KILLED MYSELF." Midoriya gave him a fake smile thought his tears. "I know you hate my smile, BAKUGO."

"N-NO I'M NOT." Bakugo threw back at Midoriya, "I'M SAYING THIS BECAUSE I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT YOU!" Bakugo was telling the truth, he cared for this boy, more than he realised.

"Y-YOu don't fucking care, stop lying to me and yourself..." Midoriya was still smiling and crying. He had lost all will to shout at the blonde haired teen anymore. "I'm only talking to you to make this harder for the both of us, I hope you remember this day for the rest for your sorry life, K-Kacchan." He spat the childish nickname out like it was a forbidden word.

"P-p-please, d-don't j-j-jump," Bakugo was physically shaking. His mind was dizzy and he felt like he was going to be sick. "I-I would never forgive my-myself..."

"Like I give a shit about you Bak-Kacchan, you're the one who made me go this. You are the one who tormented me through all of these years. And, even at the very end, you only care about yourself. How PATHETIC!" The tears suddenly stopped and the smile faded. "I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU." Midoriya felt a sharp pang in his chest as he said these words.

Midoriya got off the ledge he was on, walked up to Bakugo and punched him across the face, Bakugo felt the thick red liquid crash against his lips. That metallic taste filled his mouth. In spite on himself and what was going on, Bakugo just sighed again.

"Let it all out, punch me, hit me, whatever, but just know, when you live, I'm going to make you pay for it later, yo-you stu-stupid n-n-nerd..." Bakugo broke into tears.

"Oh, now you have emotions..." Izuku gave up at this point, he hated being mean, it just wasn't him. It wasn't the way he wanted to act towards Bakugo, no matter how much he tried to make him the bad guy. He was still amazing in Midoriya's eyes.

He was blind to the very end, they both were...

Midoriya's arms stretched out hesitantly, Bakugo just flopped onto his chest, Midoriya patted his head, slowly.

"You, stupid damn nerd. You will live, right? I, I really do care about you... I, I WANT US..." Bakugo was overcome by tears, he just hiccuped onto Midoriya's chest.

"You want us to be friends..." Midoriya finished for him.

Bakugo, at that moment, didn't care about any of his other wishes. He only wished three things. For Midoriya to live, for Midoriya to accept his apology and for Midoriya to be his friend...

"I-I'm sorry Kacchan, but torment like that, it can't fixed just by a simple apology and a plea to be friends again. As much as I'd love that..." Midoriya climbed back onto the ledge.

"W-WAIT!" Bakugo called out to his former and WISHED to be friend again.

"I WISHED to be your friend all these years, maybe, even more than your friend..." With that Midoriya jumped.

Before Bakugou could even think about that he was doing, he jumped along with him.

"K-KACCHAN?" Midoriya saw his former friend jump after him.

"FUCKING DEKU!" Bakugo called Midoriya by his nickname...

Two boys died that night... Little did they know, they loved each other, very, very much...

They just could never get out the right words...

I love you.

I love you and I always have...

That's all they had to say.

A/N Hey there, it's the person who wrote this, me! Haha, anyway, this is kinda short, sorry. The first in my angsty OneShot book ;)

Word count: 1035.

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