🖤Funerals With Cake🖤

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Those words couldn't get out of Katsuki's head. He wished he'd never met the boy.


"Hey Kacchan, you wanna learn something?" The greenette pranced around, smiling like a maniac, perfectly fitting, since he was indeed a maniac.

The smaller boy was wearing a sleeveless suit with a green tie the same shade as his hair. Everything else was just black or white.

"No, not from you, Deku." Katsuki spat the greenette's name out like it was a curse or something to say it. This boy had killed none, yet it seemed like he was a serial killer.

"Well, you're going to learn something anyway." He whispered into his ear. Katsuki took a shot at blasting the greenette but alas, the boy was too fast.

"Tut, tut, Kacchan, how dare you try and blast your childhood friend." Izuku said in a mockingly sad voice.

"Whatever, I missed didn't I..." Katsuki said, looking the greenette straight into his dead, lifeless eyes.

"Here's the small lesson Kacchan. Roses are red. Love is fake. And weddings are just funerals with cake." The greenette chuckled.

This was an indirect reference to Katsuki's undying love for Izuku. And visa versa for Izuku. That was the only thing keeping Izuku from slashing him. The greenette wanted to get past that invisible barrier, however the more he tried the more he loved Katsuki.

There was no winning this, either of them.


Yet here Katsuki was, replaying those words over in his head wishing that the he'd never met Izuku. He should've known that there was something behind that smile from day one.

But Izuku was just too hard to read.

Here the blonde was, standing under a black umbrella in a black suit in the pouring rain.

He knew this day would come, but still, he was happy that it rained on Izuku's funereal.

(A/N I wanted to keep it short, if it didn't make any sense then basically....

Izuku is a villain, Katsuki and Izuku had a fight. Even after everything Katsuki still loved the greenette. But the Izuku wanted to believe that it was all fake, so that's what he told Katsuki.

Katsuki didn't want to but he knew it had to be done, so he killed Izuku in that fight.

Then this is just him contemplating those words at Izuku's funeral.

Anyway as always, thankyou for reading and I hope to see you again on the next chapter.

It'll be a long one, promise :3)

Word count: 414 ;)

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