Star Trek - Interview One - CharacterBios

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Background - CharacterBios is a Author, Artist, Video maker combination. She is known on wattpad to her friends as "A full blown Trekkie", "A fan of Star Trek and TMNT", and "A fun person to talk to". She is known best for her TMNT Question and Dares with 26k reads as of August 9, 2014. She is also known for "Join Starfleet" which is a book best explained by her; "It is a fan base battle to see which fan base is the strongest." You can join your fan base or create your own. She is also known for a book I personally love the most of hers Kill Or Be Killed! Her friends and fans rate it; "Ten out of ten", "her best work by far", "shows how amazing she is from her best angles", and "one of the many reasons she is a great author and artist". This book highlights her main hobbies. She highlights video making by using YouTuber friends and making trailers and videos throughout the book. Highlights her artist side by drawing her trailers only using a base for the drawing, her IPAD, and never using a stylus just her finger. And she highlights being an author by creating the action packed book of battles, death, and ultimate triumph.

Interview -

Q- Why did you join wattpad?

A- When I first found it I was reading a book that I forgot the name of that ultimately inspired me to write my first book.


Q- When did you start writing?

A- I've been writing since I was VERY little... My very first book I wrote when I was 4 and continued it until I was 6. It was about fish, humans, and birds. I wrote three notebooks full and promised myself I'd never end the book and I still haven't, I just haven't wrote in it for a long time.


Q- How did you come across Star Trek?

A- My dad actually loves Star Wars and I just didn't. I did more research and discovered a thing called Star Trek. Now at first I said "Another Thing Like Star Wars?" But I watched an episode of tos and fell in love.


Q- What is your favorite book of your own?

A- Oh don't make me choose..! Well, it's a tie... Between TMNT Q and D, Kill Or Be Killed, and Star Trek Summer Camp... If I had to choose one; 1.Star Trek Summer Camp, 2. Kill Or Be Killed, 3 TMNT Q and D


Q- When did you say to yourself "I made it to the big time" in the sense of your youtube popularity and your wattpad fans?

A- Hm... This one's kind of hard. I would say when I started getting fan art and fan mail!


Q- Who do you like from Star Trek TOS?

A- Chekov and Spock. I can't decide between them! I know they are almost opposites but I just can't!


Q- TOS or Next Generation?

A- TOS! I am actually not a big fan of Next Gen... It's alright.. I love the actors I just never liked the spin offs as much as the original. I'm probably going to start a huge war because of that... Oh well...


Thanks to CharacterBios! Check her out and go follow her!

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