Star Trek - Interview 2 - LuckyLuckyClover

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Interview -

Q- Why did you join wattpad?

A- I saw one of my friends use it and they told me you could write and read people's books. So I joined and stared reading fanfictions and fell in love. Then one day in math class I got bored and started writing the first chapter of "My Pasha"


Q- TOS or Next Generation?

A- Man that's a hard one! after a lot of thought it has to be TOS. Even though I love Picard and Data I love Chekov and the crew more.


Q- So who's your favorite?

A- Chekov! No one can deny/compete with his accent and adorable misconceptions!


Q- Favorite Star Trek Episode or Movie?

A- This is a hard one. I love Trouble With Tribbles, Shore Leave, and Mirror Mirror, though I also like the reboot because it has Anton Yelchin as Chekov and he is adorable!


Her friends said this about her;

"One of my best trekkie friends! A dedicated author! Gives great advice!" - harrypottertrekkie

"She is so nice and always willing to help! She is a decpdicated fan and author!" - Anonymus


HUGE thanks and shout outs to the following so far!

CharacterBios, YouTubeLover911, Harrypottertrekkie, LuckyLuckyClover and the magazine editors!

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