Riot on set

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The campers were sleeping Chris recorded them panning over the guys first than the girls and then Courtney and Tammy "awe she's adorable when she sleeps" he said then he turned off the camera and kissed her "wake up babe it's challenge time" he said

I stirred and yawned awake "morning chris" I said he then went outside and got out his megaphone and the cameras went back on "all crew on set call time is 4 am" Chris yelled out waking everyone else up.

*beth In confessional*
"At first I thought he was talking to the crew crew not us I was really hoping they would replace Chris the creep with a nicer host thinks time around is that mean sorry please don't tell Tammy I said that"

"I can't believe I'm doing another season of this show" Leshawna said
"This continual sadistic wake up call is messing with the natural rhythms of my body clock my mojo with be destroyed" Harold complained

It was now light Courtney and I came out showered dressed and completely refreshed "your on a film set now and your going to learn fame is not all red carpets and pool parties today your going to be schooled on how tough on set production life can be" Chris announced
"I can deal I once had a summer job at a petting zoo it's so adorable everyone feeding the adorable goats there adorable cabbages but someone ie me had to shovel the less adorable end of the digestive process" Gwen said "well speaking of number 2 Tammy Izzy it's now time to pick your team mates and then try and stick it to each other" Chris said looking at us "time to get this bloodbath started your going to choose school yard style boy girl boy girl with the second last choice being two female contestants, Tammy first" Chris announced

I looked at the boys, Courtney would kill me if I didn't choose her love interest "Duncan" I said he smiled and walked over to me. Izzy looked at the guys "Trent" she said I then looked at the girls Heather and Courtney looked at me as if to say choose me but I had somone else in mind to cause tension...

"Gwen" I said shocking everyone "Looks like Trent and Gwen will be competing against each other this season" Chris said laughing Trent whispered to Izzy "Lindsay" Izzy said trying to stick it to me by choosing my ex friend. "Hmm Dj" I said "Justin" Izzy said "sure choose all the good looking but stupid contestants that will get you far" I said "it will in show biz the stupider and better looking contestants are always popular k" Izzy said "ugh Courtney and Heather" I said they walked over happily "Beth and Leshawna" Izzy said having no choice. Owen and Harold were the only two guys left Harold was trying to show off and Owen was eating his belly button fluff "Harold" I said "oh come on dosent eating skills count for anything" Owen said "I pick Owen because he's cute" Izzy said "good choice iz" he said "there we no other guys left" she said giggling.

"Tammy I christen your team the screaming gaffers, Izzy your the killer grips" Chris announced "Grip I don't wanna be a grip" Beth complained " it's not like being a gaffer is something to brag about it sounds like something like rabies" Heather said unimpressed. Two crew guys smashed a light and television startling everyone "well since where running late and we don't have any more of whatever those two crew guys do we better get going your challenge to set up a film set" Chris announced "we'll be scarfing flapjacks by seven" Leshawna said smiling and rubbing her hands together "oh will you as location manger I want your sets to go there" he said pointing to the top of the hill "you just love doing this to us" Gwen said "yes yes I do" Chris said laughing "all clear for traffic up there chef?" He said into a walkie talkie. We started taking the equipment up but we dropped a few things "people this is crazy inificant i say we organize realay style and pass the equipment up" Heather suggested "ok" I said and we organized ourselves with me at the top and Gwen at the bottom. At one point Duncan helped Gwen and Trent got all mad and then helped Lindsay.

Izzy's team got Owen to pull the trailer up but our team was struggling to even move it "What is taking so long" I yelled down the hill "it's to heavy" Gwen yelled "get DJ to pull it" I yelled back but DJ refused Incase he hurt somone "ugh your useless just forget the trailer everyone up here" I yelled. They all came up the hill but the grips succeeded in getting the trailer up the hill. "We actually won" Beth said cheering "not exactly that was only the first part of the challenge did I neglect to mention that? Let's make a movie what we have here is the set for a tear jerker staring an elderly woman contemplating her life" Chris said to the grips "I cant believe we don't have a trailer" Harold said "we do won't be able to apply makeup properly without vanity lighting this could spell disaster thanks DJ" Heather said annoyed. "You'll be making a film about a thug who tries to go straight but can't resist the lure of the street" Chris told us "Yeah it's been done" Gwen said unimpressed "what about lunch we have been working for eight hours and you are legally obligated by union rules to give us a meal break" Heather said to Chris he smiled "oh yeah who here is in the union?" he asked he was the only one they put up his hand "I thought so" Chris said

*Heather in confessional*
"I am now forming local one of United workers against Chris Whose with me? Everybody?"

"And now its time to choose an actor to complete a scene, chris give the teams there scenes" Chris said and he handed one to Izzy and one to me. Izzy took one look adolf hitler theirs and said she wanted to play the old lady because she has been reincarnated from her grandmother or something "Ok a tough guy" Heather said looking at the paper over my shoulder we walked up to Duncan "you have got to play the gangsta" Gwen said "don't type cast me I don't even know if I can act" he said carving a skull into the nearby poll. "You want Harold to do it he's as tough as butter" Heather complained "come on Duncan you were born to play this role please" Courtney begged hugging Duncan "ok fine" he said taking the script.
"Alright whoever can get Chef me ex army corporal to show any emotion wins the challenge" chris announced.

Duncan was looking over the script "one I cant memorize this many lines and two they are really left field" Duncan complained "just read what is written and stop being such a primadona" Heather said "yeah we all have a job" I said "just stand there and look pretty think you can handle that" Courtney said. "Don't call me pretty" Duncan said annoyed "your not pretty your hot sexy stud like" Gwen said as Trent just stared this also stared and Courtney flared at her. Meanwhile Chris was watching the tension from the side "tension my favorite" he said.

"No wonder where taking so long this place is a mess and..." I started but I got hocked on a wire and ended up hanging by my leg "need help" Chris said pulling the wire and catching me in his arms "thank you" I said blushing from embarrassment "ahem Tammy I need your help with costumes" Courtney said Chris put me down quickly. I was working on costumes with Courtney while DJ applied Duncan's makeup "this light is appalling how am I supposed to properly apply makeup, I mean can you tilt that pretty chin just a tad" DJ said "that's enough we are going to toughen you up you big marshmallow" Chef said pulling dj into a nearby seat

*chef in confessional*
"I admit I see a bit of myself in DJ but I had to develop the macho in myself without someone like me helping this is going to be fun"

"Here's the deal I'll help you man up and win this thing and you split the prize with me 50/50 like they say it's an offer you can't refuse I won't let you" Chef said

*Tammy Heather and Courtney in confessional*
"So Dj thinks he can make an illegal alliance! We will be the only alliance with an advantage in this game better watch your back DJ"

Izzy started talking about fish and no eyelids and wanted to do crazy stuff as always Trent scoffed thinking they were definitely going to win. Then Duncan did a really emotional scene about missing his goat which made Chef Chris and just about everyone else break out in tears including Heather Courtney and I "cut ok it's to much for chef to take, Duncan clearly wins for best performance the screaming gaffers win" Chris announced and Courtney hugged Duncan but let go after realizing what she did.

After that challenge I went to relax, Gwen was balaring music in the girls trailer and I could hear it from Courtney's and my trailer "turn the music down before I make you" I yelled.

The grips ended up voting off Izzy and Trent was the new team captain, after the elimination ceremony when everyone was at dinner and Courtney was waiting for our dinner chris came over "that suit looks good on you" i said adjusting the bow tie "awe thanks you know Duncan's performances reminded me of something i love you and I miss you and I know hat sounds weird because I see you everyday but I just wish I could show affection to you just a hug or a kiss or being near you l! You know" he said looking sad "that's one of the sweetest things you have ever said to me I feel the same way" said and we kissed under the stars.

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