Bogas Beach Bonanza

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I was sitting at the Gaffers table watching everyone eat since Courtney and I had finished eating our grommet food "Tammy look at this video" Courtney said showing a video compilation of people hurting themselves this made us both crack up laughing our laughing was joined by Duncan's laughing. "Sorry about the morning as-salt!" Duncan taunted. He had unscrewed the salt shaker lid so it would pour salt in Trent's food. Gwen slapped him in the back of the head.
"Third grade called. You're due back in class." Gwen said. "Real mature. Don't you know it's bad luck to spill salt?" Trent said tossing some salt over his shoulder. It hit Heather in the face and she stood up, screaming.
"Nothing a little pepper won't fix." Trent said but the same thing happened with the salt. He threw pepper over his shoulder which also hit Heather in the face, which made her start sneezing and run out screaming.
"Heather" I said running after her to make sure she was okay while Courtney had a talk to Duncan about being immature.

A few minutes after I got back a whistle blew and Chris stepped in with a surfboard. "Hang on to your coconuts, players! We're going back to the beach! Ever seen on of those 1950s surfer movies where the kids get up to neato fun before the big bonfire twistathon and the bully kicks the sandcastle into the nerdy kids face." Chris explained.
Another genre I know nothing about. "Uh no, grampa! We haven't!" Duncan said. "Well, get ready to recreate one, junior! Two challenges followed by a tiebreaker if necessary. So, grab your swimsuits!" Chris said.

I changed into my bikini and met Chris in the studio. He smirked at me probably thinking dirty thoughts. It was really cold and I ended up huddling with Heather and Courtney for warmth. Everyone was shivering but Chris stood their in a parka! "When did you move the beach to Antarctica?" Lindsay asked.
"As some of you can see, we're actually in the shooting studio!" Chris said. "And the AC's cranked up because?" Duncan asked. "All the cameras and lights get so hot, they can melt Chef's heart." Chris pointed his thumb at Chef who smiled creepily. "And the network told my agents that sweat was not a good look for me." Chris said. "Chris can we have a parka?" I asked pointing to Heather and Courtney. He tossed us a blanket which we wrapped around all three of us.
Chris then explained our first challenge. We had to stay on the surfboard which was perched above a pool of water. Whoever stayed on longest, their team won. "So who's going first?" Chris asked.
"The team that wins will get a half hour head start on the next challenge and, given tonight's reward, you should be fighting harder than Justin's abs over who get's first shot." Chris said.

*Tammy in Confessional*
"So everyone's complaining about the cold but it was actually warm underneath that blanket with Courtney and Heather I just hope I can do this challenge

Lindsay was trying to get some suntan oil out of her bottle when it flew out and froze instantly. It shot Harold in the ass and propelled him forward. "Ow!" He yelled. "We have a volunteer!" Chris said. Harold stood on the board. "Mad surfing skills, activate!" He yelled.
"And welcome the return of some season 1 fan favorites, the sharks!" Chris said. The shark jumped at Harold who in turned, jumped and is now hanging from the light beam.
"My booty and I are out!" Harold said. He means his lack of booty. "Your booty has an opinion?" Leshawna asked.
"That's a big job for such a saggy, sad little thing." Heather said making us laugh. "I'll have you know this is a selfless act! My lady fans couldn't handle the loss of this perfect behind." Harold shouted. "What lady fans?" Courtney yelled. "I think he means his mother" I said making everyone but Harold laugh.
"Hey sharks! Look! Bacon and fake-on!" Harold pointed to Owen who was holding a plate. "Breakfast should last all day!" Owen said. The sharks leaned over the side of the tank, making grabby motions for his plate.
Harold dropped down and landed on the diving board. I giggled. "Ooh, way to stick the dismount, bro." Chris said Gwen, Duncan, Heather, Courtney and I laughed at Harold withering in pain.

Beth gave Trent a bracelet and her hit it agaisnt his head while counting to 9 "did you ever notice trent is a little weird" Beth said to Lindsay "did you say Tyler is here that's amazing" Lindsay said "ok Lin Tyler is not in the game anymore" Beth explained "oh right I must have a dental block about the whole thing" Lindsay said then it was her turn. She was doing good until the scene changed and she was in a twister. The wind was so strong, she flew into the backdrop.

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