3 - Han River Bridge

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Hyunas pov

I'm so cold....

I've been here for an hour now since Leane left, I looked around and sighed out. I walked down the path until I was near the bridge, my phone vibrated and I looked at it. Seeing many calls from the boys and then a text message from Minseo, I tilted my head and opened it to read:

"Hyuna....Please forgive me, I...I can't take this pain anymore, the thought of it and the pain of living through the abuse of my parents...It's too much, I'm at Han River bridge....I'll be jumping off of the bridge after I have texted everyone my goodbyes....I'm sorry.." I quickly called her but she didn't answer, "Hyuna!" Kihyun yelled and I looked over to see all of them rushing towards me. "I can't, I won't let her do it!" I yelled, "What!?" Leane yelled out in confusion, I looked at the bridge and tossed my bag, phone and jacket down onto the ground and ran as fast as I could to the stairs that lead up to the bridge.

I looked left and right until I spotted her, she was closer than I expected so it only took me a small amount of time to reach her. "Minseo!" I yelled and she looked at me, tears were in her eyes and she stood on the outer railing, I rushed to her and grabbed her arm. "Don't do it....You can live with me! Don't do this..." I said, "It's too late, Hyuna unnie!" She yelled at me, I frowned and pulled her back a hit. "This isn't the answer Minseo...It's really not." I said, "I don't care! Hyuna...You don't know the pain I'm going through...My parents beat me to the point I'm bruised and scarred....They don't leave me alone!" She stared at me and cried out, "Minseo!" Jooheon and Hyungwon rushed up the stairs and stopped when I put my hand up to stop them. "Minseo.....Please...Don't do this." I stared at her, "Fine...." She said, I hesitantly let go of her arm and she smiled, "Let me go, Hyuna....You don't need me, I'll watch you from above, I promise!" After that she pushed herself away from the railing and fell down the drop, I leaned over and watched as she hit the water.

"OH GOD!" Leane screamed from down on the path where my stuff was, the others had their hands over their mouths. "Hyuna..." Hyungwon said, I shook and ran my hand through my hair, 'WHAT TO DO!? I MUST SAVE HER! I have to jump in after her! She can't swim!' I panicked and climbed the railing.

"HYUNA! GET BACK OVER HERE!" Jooheon yelled out, I breathed heavily and looked down to see Minseos hands waving around before going under, I feared heights but I must save her. She's the only female friend I love and trust! I jumped and fell the drop down, it was as if life flashed before my eyes.

Wonhos pov

Minseo jumped......

I watched as Jooheon and Hyungwon made their way towards Hyuna, but then she climbed over the railing and jumped. I watched as she contacted the water, she screamed on the way down but I know it's because of the heights. Leane held tightly onto my arm, "She's going to be alright, right!?" She teared up and she was shaking, Kihyun breathed heavily and ran towards the edge to stare and watch out for them.

I spotted Hyuna who quickly came up from under the water, but she went back under and it was a while until she came back up with Minseo in her arms. I ran to Kihyun and he helped her out of the water whilst she held onto Minseo tightly.

She laid Minseo out on the ground and felt for a pulse, she pressed her ear to her chest and sighed out. "Minseo.." She muttered and then gave the girl CPR, Minseo coughed and spat out water. Opening her eyes slowly and looking at Hyuna, "It's too late..." She mumbled. "On the way here I.......I took many pills...." She smiled a bit and her head leaned back, her eyes were weak and so was her body.

Hyuna shook her head and shook Minseo, holding her tightly. Shownu called for the ambulance and Leane gave Hyuna her coat and knelt beside her, "Hyuna..." She mumbled, "It'll be okay..." Minseo butted in, "I'll be free from all this pain... Be happy for me...." She reached up and held onto the crying Hyunas face, I watched and frowned lightly.

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