Final Goodbye |Reader x Taehyung|

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"And now Kim Taehyung will say a word."

The mourning crowd stayed silent as I walked up the stage and wiped my own tears.

"Her voice was the perfect melody to each piece I played. Every note hit just right and every breath taken precisely. Pure magic. Call it an angelic voice if you want, but it was definitely strewn together by Aphrodite herself and any of the beautiful things in life. From her indescribable eyes and personality to her unique toes and feet. She was surely one beautiful sheet of music just waiting to be played out.

But as ironic as it seems, she of all the people out there in the world, was the only one who didn't realize how special and amazing she was. How easily she could make the most grumpiest of people burst with laughter and the ones with tear-streaked cheeks show one of the brightest smiles. She was the sun on the darkest days and the brightest moon on the foggiest nights to guide the way you shall go. She had the ability to hold everything down and let it all go at the same time. And no matter how many times she was told such facts, her response never wavered. 'Don't flatter yourself, I'm none of those things.'

The strong, scrawny stem that held up the various colors of the living flower stayed below the masterpiece to keep it from falling. That, in a way, was who she was. Other than all the stunning physical features, her insides were just as beautiful. Her heart was forever gold, the finest gold as if from the touch of Midas. Her personality always stayed true and never went plastic even for the ugliest of people. That was just how she was. Letting people rant out to her when they were ready to throw in the towel. She would always invite others into her own circle so they wouldn't be left alone as she claims she had been multiple times. She never wanted to see anyone sad or regretful of their life. As she says, 'People shouldn't regret anything in their life. It's simple. If it's good, it's wonderful, and if it's bad, it's experience. There's a win-win for each situation you have to deal with.'

She was truly an inspirational person too. Always had her heart before her head, which let her able to accomplish many things in her life. She never gave up or shed a single tear even though she had every right to and whenever something bad did happen, she would just turn from it and say 'Oh well, better luck next time.' and move on with her life. Like who can do that so easily as she did on multiple occasions? Not many that I know of. She really was something different that you would be blessed to come across. Almost like a legend that only starts up every 100 years after it ends. I guess that's what she was. A legendary miracle that many would be blessed to be by when they had the chance to meet the said blessing.

But as many have been told many times before, with good things there is always a ending to them. Meaning with every bright light, it slowly dies out as the years go by. And that's why we are here today. Y/N L/N was a very special person to me and I'm sincerely sorry for her friends and family for what had happened a few nights ago. I knew most of all people that she needed someone by her side at that very moment, but I was out with my friends not worrying about her well being. I apologize to the gods above, everyone here today, and Y/N. I was the best boyfriend I could be for 6 years, but with all 'perfect' things, there are bound to be some flaws. Nothing is perfect, but her being was the closest thing to being perfect. I loved her so much. I was planning to propose soon, but I was a little too late. But I don't regret anything I did or said to her. We were so tied together with the red string that on some nights it was hard to leave to go home. I love her so much and I will for a very, very long time.

She was the light of my life on every dark night and dark days. She was the woman I wanted to marry and have two precious little girls with. I wanted to live in a big beautiful house with her beside me down by the ocean somewhere. Maybe the whole 'be my future' thing is a little far fetched, but she really was someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Even if we were to break off some time in the future, I'd still want her as a friend in the far future until we grow old and pass on. She was just that kind of person. I just wish I could've told her much, much sooner on how I felt about her before this tragic event had occurred.

Now as I look down at her beautiful peaceful face, I can tell that she can finally sleep. All her worries are gone. She doesn't have to solves everyone's problems or worry about the next big sale going on at a store nearby. She doesn't have to put up a mask each and every day to make sure that no one worries bout her. Her own problems won't be able to bother her now where she's at. Looking up at the star sketched sky, I can tell that she is here with all of us now. If only she was when she was alive as well.

Y/N, you were the very being that I with forevermore love and cherish in my heart. I will never forget you or the personality that you had. You meant a lot to me, and will mean a lot to me as more years come by and leave as you did. If I were to ever move on from you, don't take anything from it. You will always be my first love, my first kiss, my first everything. I love you. I miss you. I won't forget anything that happened between us. And if I were to have kids one day, they will surely know of you and how much you are of a inspiration in life and that you were a very amazing person to of blessed my life when I met you in primary school. I hope you help others up there and you don't get tired of me. Heh, I doubt it. We meant a lot to each other so i doubt that I'll even find someone new. I love you. So much. I'll see you soon N/N. Don't wait up for me."

I became silent, the scenery around me froze as I felt someone else was here with me.

"Y/N, don't forget me."

Everything quickly settled as people started to clap when I stepped down from the miniature stage. My friends nodded to me and gave me a big hug.

"You did good, Tae, you did good." Hobi smiled at me and I returned it.

"I know, I spoke from the heart as you said." Hobi smiled again and we brought our attention to the next speaker.


Word count: 1225

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