My DJ |Reader X Yoongi|

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This is a request! There is smut so enjoy. (:

"And here is where you'll be recording your music. The DJ isn't exactly ready to record right now, so just stay in this room and wait for him. He'll be like 10 to 15 minutes tops." An assistant explained as he showed me to the room where the magic happens. I nodded and walked into the room with a smile on my face. It was pretty normal, the big window with the soundproof room behind it, the big desk of dials and buttons, the huge mic, various headphones... any girl's dream.

"I think I know what love is..." I swooned as I felt the leather chairs as I walked past them to the door to get into the soundproof room. It had black and grey walls with a carpeted floor, which was a maroon color. There were three very bright lights on the cieling. Right when I was reaching for the door knob to the room, the main door swung open to a shorter male with frazzled dark brown hair. He was wearing a black and white striped shirt with a baggy grey jacket on top. He had a pair of glasses on along with a black beanie and a pair of headphones.

"Uh... hi?" I spoke out. He looked up from his phone boredly and plopped into one of the very expensive chairs. It's very obvious that he hasn't gotten much sleep.

"Yo. Get in there and show me what you got before I decided whether or not to work with you." He dismissed me right away, but something about how his voice was made my heart flutter.

"Did I stutter? Go." He repeated himself, a slight twinge of annoyance could be heard in his voice. I nodded quickly and apologetically bowed towards the male before jumping into the sound-proof booth.

"Alrighty. My name is Suga. You are going to sing along with the song you've previously chosen before. Okay?" He spoke over the mic. I nodded and he huffed before turning it off and cranking the music on. | You can choose whatever song.|

I looked at him before staring at the headset and putting it on. I tapped the mic two times and held one earmuff closer to my ear.

"Does this thing work?" I spoke into the mic. Suga out a thumbs up and I took a deep breath. After a few moments to compose myself, I started to sing.

After a good minute, Suga suddenly stood and looked around his array of buttons and dials. His eyes brows were knitted together and his mouth was strewn into a thin line. I stopped singing and watched the man scurry along frantically. He took off his headset and came into the soundproof booth with me, but as soon as the door closed, all the lights and power went out.

"What the fuck?" He blurted out suddenly, as he reached for the door handle. But when he tried to open the door, it wouldn't budge. He was about to use his key card before shoving it back into his pocket and cursing under his breath.

"Out of all times, is now really the best for a power outage. Unbelievable." He sighed. I stood still, holding the headset tightly in my hands. He was so much more attractive up close. His hair looked so healthy and soft. It was obviosuly his bed head, but it was cute. His hands were a lot smaller than expected, and his clothing was more baggier than I originally thought. His build was muscular at first glance, but now that I can see him up close, there's no doubt that he works out.

"Uh hello?" He waved his hand in front of my face a few times to catch my attention. "You done staring?" He spoke out to me. My face flared red, causing him to smirk slightly.

"Do you have your phone on you? I forgot mine at the desk." He pointed to his cell phone that could be seen going off at the edge of the desk. Someone was definitely calling him.

"No. The security officer had me put my phone in a cubby before coming in here. Privacy purposes." With this he groaned and looked down at his feet. Quickly the tension started to build as we stood there in the soundproof box completely silent. My eyes were on him the entire time. He just looked so good.

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