Life Story |Reader X Namjoon|

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To be honest, I would love to turn this one shot into a book. It would be actually amazing xD


1. How it started:

"Hello everyone! My name is Y/N L/N. Please take good care of me!" She bowed and flashed one of those beautiful smiles that could never leave your mind once it's exposed to the world. She was the new kid in our class in May during 10th grade. I know right? Who comes to school in May? The year is about to end! Anyways, she was so pretty. Almost everyone welcomed her in immediately without hesitation. Except a few, but that soon changed.

She was always prepared for class. Never spoke when not spoken to, didn't go out of line, and always seen things the good way. Like once there was a big spider in the classroom and she was the only one who wanted to save it. And she did! She got a paper and slipped the spider onto it then walked it out to the garden outside the building. She became the class favorite after that. Hm? Oh of course people made fun of her for it, but they stopped as soon as they started. Thanks to me and the other guys in the classroom. Y/N was a precious person to us and we didn't want her to ever hate herself because of who she was. That was just how it went. Everyone in our class protected her without her knowing. To be honest, some did get to her, but she easily let it go and took care of them herself.

Did I mention that she was actually a savage? She never fought anyone because she told us that's that isn't how she rolls. But what she can do is easily threaten someone. Like once my pal, Jungkook, was bored out of his mind and made a paper airplane. What? Oh, yeah Kookie. He threw it towards the front of the classroom and man was it funny. It hit Y/N right in her head and I never seen Jungkook so scared in his life. He literally stood as she turned around and bowed like a million times. It did make her smile though, I found it cute. She forgave him and returned the airplane back to him. I didn't let him forget this. Not ever. Yeah I still get him on it sometimes, but not really because his wife, Ji Eun, doesn't really like it when I talk about Y/N in front of her. Yeah.

2. When we met:

I was walking down the hallway talking to my best friend Kim Seokjin and I accidentally bumped into someone. Oh yeah, the princess, ha! Her books went all over the place and she fell. Well, would've, if it weren't for me catching her before she could get hurt. Before I go any further, I just need to say that when I looked into her eyes, I felt like the world stopped. Of course I've seen her eyes many times before, but this time was just so different. The e/c was more vibrant before and her face was a deep shade of red when she noticed what was happening. It was beyond adorable and the scene is sketched into my mind because of it. Anyways.

She thanked me many times for catching her and helping her pick up her books. She actually had a lot of novels with her. I didn't even know that she was a book nerd, but I was bound to find out because since then I started seeing her in the library more often. But as I was saying, I told her what my name and she admitted that she already knew who I was for the fact that I was 'the quiet one who sat in the back by the windows'. We became friends ever since then. I mean, that was when we actually met met. Like no one introduced us, we met by ourselves. But during this whole time, Jin walked away and left me with Y/N! Not that it was a bad thing. I filled him up on everything afterwards and he told me that he could see us together if only I wasn't a delinquent. I'm kidding! I was too much of a nerd to do anything of a sort! Unlike him, he actually had been gotten in trouble with the cops twice for stealing perfume from this store down the street from the school. Ha! Yeah. He always was around girls, they all thought he was gay, but he wasn't. Trust me on that statement that won't be taken further. Okay!

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